Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Contemporary Design Issues

Research study

information :

Control and prevention of obesity focus on the promotion of healthy diets or increasing levels of physical activity, or both, and should be a shared responsibility (Figure 1). They cannot be seen as the sole responsibility of any one sector. To be effective, strategies should be multi-sectoral, with the coordinated participation of the health, educational and agricultural sectors. Active participation should be sought from governments, the food industry, the media and the individual consumers. The support of professional bodies, non-governmental organizations and international agencies dealing with obesity and related non-communicable diseases (NCD) is essential. The prevention and management of overweight, obesity and associated co-morbidities require the synergism of national health policies on nutrition and NCD control as well as in relation to sports, housing environment, urban planning as well as transportation.

We must collectively build on existing programs in both the public and private sectors, identify current gaps in action, and develop and initiate actions to fill those gaps. Publicprivate working groups should be formed around key themes or around the major settings in which obesity prevention and treatment efforts need to take place. The design of successful interventions and actions for prevention and management of overweight and obesity will require the careful attention of many individuals and organizations working together through multiple spheres of influence.

Figure 1

My opinion on this is, the responsible bodies are working on the ways to overcome obese stage by stage but, there are some circumstances that causes this problem to get worse. It might be the arrogance of public not to going on and challenging themselves by accepting quest in reducing weight.

Reference :

Figure 1:
Healthy weight for all- a shared responsibility. modified from WHO [Online] http://3.bp.blogspot.com-/v4BPiorlnQ/Uar4ZLWYjtI/AAAAAAAAAHQ/UPqav0ykkcc/s1600/figure10.jp [Accessed on 2 May 2015]

Eat well live well obesity campaign:Recommended prevention studies.[Online] http://stopobesitymalaysia.blogspot.com/2013/06/recommend-prevention-strategies.html
[Accessed on 2 May 2015]

WHO. (1998). Obesity: Preventing and managing the global epidemic.Report of a WHO Consultation on Obesity. Geneva: World Health Organisation. 

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