Wednesday, May 13, 2015

3D Modelling For Object and Environment

Animation Walkthrough

After taking a video for the camera movement animation, I used my Maya house environment to play with the camera by making a short playblast video on a specific camera.

 First of all, I created a new camera in the scene.

After positioning my camera well in a place, I selected the camera as for the view. This will allow us to see the scenery which is capturing by the camera itself. (we see what the camera captures)

After that, i started to zoom in to the window of my environmental model, then on keyboard, i press 's' on the timeline to save the view. All this steps were following everytime when I zoom in to the spot that I wanted.




After trying a simple one, i tried on applying the camera from an angle to another. I used the same process for this animation too. The playblast outcome was very interesting and I would like to develop my skills in this criteria more and more.

Playblast video 1 :

playblast video 2 :

From this task i have learnt how to rotate, move, zoom in and out using a camera and its view of scenery in Maya. I have also learnt methods on how to make a camera work with angles.

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