Thursday, May 21, 2015

Communication Practice

Task C

The art of a good communication comes with a great listening skill. These are five interactive listening tips (not limited to) are presented to help us to become a better listener.

1.) Paraphrase is writing note as we understand about what we listen.
=making our own note for our understanding, revision

2.) Repeat - re-saying or re-doing
= for a better and stronger reminding method

3.) Probe -  checking
=to ensure about what is the information about

4.) Clarify - asking something to understand more
= asking something on a specific matter where to make it clear and more understanding

5.) Remember - keep in mind about what is gained
= saving it and keeping it clear in mind without forgetting any single information

These are some of the main and most important elements of a communication. Changing knowledge or information involve many other skills other than just talking or delivering verbally or non-verbally.

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