Thursday, March 3, 2016

Design Systems and Services


Proposal of topic selected.

According to the topic that is selected to be developed in this module, a formal proposal need to be prepared as a referencing document of what is the topic is about. This will also explain the objective and aim of the project in simplified form. My topic is about Colour as therapy, it is about making a booth for the ones who is feeling stress/ depressed. hopefully this will help the society to be much better psychologically and to be benefit for me to achieve the aims that i want to.

This is a image of my proposal in Pdf format:

screen capture of My proposal.

This is my Proposal (word) :

Statement of problem
            Depression or stress is a main problem which occurs especially from the age 25-44 and least common for those over the age of 65. In children, clinical depression affects girls and boys at about the same rate. Within an entire lifetime, major depression will affect 10%-25% of women and 5%-12% of men. At any one point in time, 5%-9% of women and 2%-3% of men are likely to be clinically depressed. Although major depression can occur at any age, the average age for developing the illness seems to be in a person's mi 20's. However, the average age of onset of the condition appears to be decreasing. Those with a parent or sibling who has had major depression may be 1.5 to 3 times more likely to develop the condition than those who do not. This is due to the daily struggle and task which they are responsible of. This effects the physic and psychology of a person directly and indirectly.

            To reduce the state of hypertension or depression by using colours as therapy in changing their mood, feeling, state of mind reflectivity and etc. Additionally, increasing the interactivity of psychology with colours and the reflection of colour as therapy.

  • ·         Identifying emotions using colours
  • ·         Use colours to change emotion
  • ·         Determine type of colours that effects on emotions
  • ·         Creating new colours depending psychology to divert emotions

Proposal of experiment/solution.
            Using colours and features by preparing a space for audience to feel the colour interactivity and how it reflects them with expression and changes of feeling. Use of some colours with several mixture of colours by the use of colour spectrum and family. This will allow them to explore more on relationship between colours and emotion. Hence, colour as a therapy effectiveness can be measured the thoroughly.

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