Saturday, October 31, 2015

Individual Design Project

Week 1

This semester, the count of subjects to be covered is 6. One of it is the Individual Design project which will conduct all the other modules in a correct path.

The task in week one is investigating the systems and how they can be graphically represented. from the observation from during the trip to Mantin on week 5, I have found there are systems in Mantin such as food, road, living, nature, culture and plantation. For this semester, the requirement is to select a system and run a project regarding to the system and it is to about Mantin as it is the subject matter. This will also related with all the other modules (Interactive Design for Games and Web Applications, Interactive Design for Web Technology, Principles of Marketing, Colour and Design in 2 and 3 Dimensions and 3D Character and Environment Design for Animation, ).

This semester seems to be one of the toughest semester. This is because of the count of the modules and the subject matter that focused in all the modules.

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