Week 1
This semester, the count of subjects to be covered is 6. One of it is the Individual Design project which will conduct all the other modules in a correct path.
The task in week one is investigating the systems and how they can be graphically represented. from the observation from during the trip to Mantin on week 5, I have found there are systems in Mantin such as food, road, living, nature, culture and plantation. For this semester, the requirement is to select a system and run a project regarding to the system and it is to about Mantin as it is the subject matter. This will also related with all the other modules (Interactive Design for Games and Web Applications, Interactive Design for Web Technology, Principles of Marketing, Colour and Design in 2 and 3 Dimensions and 3D Character and Environment Design for Animation, ).
This semester seems to be one of the toughest semester. This is because of the count of the modules and the subject matter that focused in all the modules.
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Interactive Design for Web Technology
After finishing all the webpage layout designing, now my webpage is complete. Below is the link of my Webpage:
After finishing all the webpage layout designing, now my webpage is complete. Below is the link of my Webpage:
and a screen shot of the home page:
Now I understand all the principles of designing a website, and the multimedia design principle more since experiencing the hardwork to create a webpage and designing it.
Interactive Design for Web Technology
For the module Interactive Design
for Web Technology, we all are required to create a website. In this task I have
selected a template that is provided in the wix.com website designer online
tool. I used the green colour for my theme colour and the buttons and icon in
smooth green to make sure the fonts are visible to the visitors.
These are the screen
shots of my progress of designing the website (screen shot 1-5) :
![]() |
screen capture 1 |
![]() |
screen capture 2 |
![]() |
screen capture 3 |
![]() |
screen capture 4 |
![]() |
screen capture 5 |
Designing a webpage is not an easy task, it is to manage the layouts, Images and the content which is in text. Before starting my websites, the sketches that i had made to be a guideline for me. These are the sketches:
(image 1-3)
![]() |
image 1 |
![]() |
image 2 |
![]() |
image 3 |
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Principles of Marketing
Mantin is a small town in the midway
of Nilai and Seremban. It is also called Setul by certain people. This town
initially got the name Mine Tin by the English people due the economic routine
which was the tin mining. Then some used to say Many Tin, this word then
changed into Tin Man due to pronunciation problem of the Chinese. This had just
going around by the people which use to say the name as they wished till one
day it were called Mantin. The belongings are Muslims, Buddhist, Hindu, Cristian,
Sikh and orang asli (few). This town is a developing town with many routes.
Jalan Besar Mantin is the main street of this town.
This town is allocated in between
the route from Nilai to Seremban and from Seremban to Kajang. It is almost
12-14km to Seremban and about 10-12km to Nilai, to Kajang up to 30 km. Mantin
are visited and passed by many layer of people from different part of Malaysia
and from other nations as tourist. Adding on it, Mantin’s heritage is a village
called the Hakka Village where during the British rule, the tin miners are
mostly the Hakka people and they stayed near to the mining are. So, it is
called the Hakka Village.
A higher education institute called
Linton University College (f.k.a. Lagenda College) built in Mantin on the year
2005 under Legenda Education Group. This university college students are from
around Malaysia and from oversea (international students).
Problem statement
Mantin is a town with a bunch of
systems that runs the town successfully and brought the name unique for it. The
systems are food, roads, plantations, architectures, nature and etc. Systems in
Mantin are less familiar nowadays. In solving things like this, the system that
been selected is the Plantation.
Plantation is a big scope of agro
and living. In this case, fruits are in the main role of Mantin is famous for.
Fruits such as durian, jackfruit, mangosteen, rambutan and pitaya are the most
popular known. Breaking it to small, Mantin is most famous for Jackfruit and
Durian, so this is the main topic. Thus it is least known to other places
inclusive of some part and people in Mantin. The orchards in Mantin are
countless and earns in a huge amount especially during and not during fruit
season. Besides, people in this small town has least information on nutrition
by jackfruit and durian. Adding on it, the nutrition facts are countless in jackfruit
and durian.
A trademark is a sign for a company of services or
product. A trademark can be
represented graphically in the form of your company’s logo or a signature.
Through a registered trade mark, you can protect your
brand (or “mark”) by restricting other people from using its name or logo. Once
acquired, a trade mark can last indefinitely as long as you renew it every 10
years. Because a registered trade mark is a form of IP, you can license or
assign it to others.
The trademark is registering a
product or service. Additionally, logo is the main part played in the
trademark. A logo is an important part for the recognition of a product or
service. Logo are likely to be used for an event too. Moving on this fact, my
topic of Dusoon need an identity in the name of logo. First of all, five
principles of logo designing need to be considered to produce good and
efficient logo.
Principles of logo
1. Simple
Less is more. Logos that are overdrawn or too ornate
are generally inflexible and have limited versatility. Keeping a logo simple it enhances its
“stickiness” and keeps it from being perceived as busy. Creating a unique
concept and striping it down to the most basic level it can be while retaining
its impact.
2. Memorable
In order for a logo to be memorable or have a
“sticky” factor, it needs to be both simple and relevant or appropriate to the
audience. The design should be simple enough to easily recall and convey
imagery or typography that resonates with the target audience.
3. Timeless
For the business to stand the test of time; the brand
needs to be just as timeless. A great logo will still be great 10-20 years from
now. Rebranding should not be considered a normal part of business nor should
it become a habit. Longevity is what should strive for. Creating a timeless
logo, avoid trends, avoid unnecessary effects and keep it simple.
Will the logo work in one color or against a dark
background? An effective logo works across various media and within different
contexts. To ensure flexibility, starting by creating a logo in black and
white. Using a vector format will enable the logo to scale to various sizes
without losing quality.
5. Relevant
& Appropriate
Understanding the target audience or consumer is an
integral component of creating an effect logo design. Knowing what is
appropriate for audience will dictate what font style used, the colors and any
accompanying imagery. Designing the same logo for a toy company as would an
automotive parts store.
Image 1
This is my logo (Image 1) for the Topic Dusoon. The
word dusun is a Malay word means
orchard. The title of my project is Dusoon is to maintain the Malay
pronunciation. The spelling of my project are change into English verb which is
soon. This is because, according to
my project, it is to work as soon as possible to produce fruit.
For my logo, there is an orchard keeper head placed
at the capital D. This is to show my main character of my topic for this
project. Besides, the rake hold by the D is a property or a tool usually used
by a farmer or an orchard keeper.
Target audience
Target audience is a group of people
which is aimed to make a survey or to reach something to them by any type of
productivity. This is more to give a specific message to a certain group
according what is the subject matter about. Defining the target audience is an
important task where it will mirror the exact result of what is focussed on. The
target are a form of people according to age, marital status, gender, culture
and many more. Defining the proper target audience based on the market
product/service are most important.
Fruits are the most
unique subject of Mantin. The Linton University College (a.k.a Lagenda College)
in Mantin are a place of people from different layer of culture, nationality,
and lifestyle. Thus, unique of Mantin fruits are least known by the
Lagendarians (people of Lagenda). Fruits are my topic that I have selected to
introduce the depth to the Lagendarians regarding on a way to promote Mantin.
For this case, people of Lagenda are the target audiences that is focused for
this project of marketing.
Students and staffs of
Lagenda are from different state of Malaysia and for the international students
are from Zimbabwe, Nigeria, China, Ghana and etc. Promoting Mantin by the topic Dusoon (Dusun) are focussed on all the
staffs and students of Lagenda. This is to create more awareness on how fruits
are grown in Mantin and what fruits are rich of. This will help the
Lagendarians on understanding Mantin on fruits. This is the best idea to image
the local fruits in a better way by focussing the process and the nutrition
contained by the jackfruit and durian.
What to Market
a subject to a specific target audience for introducing or delivering message
to change or attract them to accept the subject matter. For the topic Dusoon,
my matter of promoting is a game that representing the orchards in Mantin. The
selection of this idea is to show the processes that is done by the orchard
keeper. The reason to show is about the hard work of an orchard keeper and to
introduce the famous and unique fruit that is produced in Mantin.
on to the technic is of marketing, the promoting technic which is selected is
by running an exhibition by setting up a game station of the topic Dusoon. The
game is coordinated in the module called Interactive Design for Games and
Application. A game station selected to set up in the lobby of Lagenda
Education Group. This game station is carried out as an exhibition.
Lagendarians are invited to join the exhibition and experience the game. Other
than that, the location which is at the exhibition space allocated in the lobby
because of the large count of people who pass by the spot every day. This will
be another opportunity to pull the sight of audience get charged into the
exhibition. The exhibition space in lobby is a perfect space for the game play
because of the dim light and the air conditioner that keeps the space cool and
nice. This will allow the audience to spend their time comfortably by enjoying
the game.
exhibition setup is with a table with monitor screen and a keyboard for the
audience to experience the game (Dusoon). Below is a simple overview of my exhibition
(image 2).
Image 2
Promoting Mantin (Group)
a product or service need to be carried out in a systematic method. Promoting
task is the most important method of a company to measure the successfulness of
the company. This process are not done individually, a group of people are
needed to work on the promoting work, and it depends on type of promoting to
pick and hire count of people in a group. The other companies in the world such
as Volks Wagen, Pepsi, Sprite and etc. These companies had been using promoting
methods such as e-advertisements, television and radio ads, print ads, and more
new methods of promoting.
than that, social media is one current famous way of promoting product/services
provided by a company. As an example, Lazada is one big sales shop and delivery
that advertises using social media marketing, and it is the Facebook mostly.
group were formed to work on the exhibition with a title ‘Lifian’. The reason
of forming a group is to promote all the works and process of attracting the
Lagendarian by promoting using the social media as promoting tools. We in a
group of six (6) had an organisation form to work on this exhibition
advertising. Below are the chart of the group members and the position.
The exhibition of ‘Lifian’ is about the living in Mantin and how they work in such a
small town. The word ‘Lifian’ is an
ancient word of English that related to live and livings. The title are an
outcome of a thorough brainstorm among all the members in the organisation
based group. The title is to fit the meaning and the objective of our
exhibition which is to show the living in Mantin.
As a co-photographer, I and my partner work on
taking various pictures of Mantin angle by angle to produce a suitable
photograph to be hand over to the Illustrator of the organisation to create posters
for the promotion purpose. The posters will be posted on Facebook page of event
which is created to invite the audiences to the exhibition.
As a co-photographer, I and my partner in-charge of
taking various pictures of Mantin angle by angle to produce a suitable
photograph to be hand over to the Illustrator of the organisation to create posters
for the promotion purpose. The posters will be posted on Facebook page of event
which is created to invite the audiences to the exhibition.
Moving on to the promoting, the group work is to
introduce the event to the Lagendarians. So, we are using the Facebook and Instagram
to attract audience for the event. This method of promoting is a suitable
method to connect audiences and people to bring them to the event.
This is the logo for the Lifian exhibition that will
be held in the exhibition space in lobby (image 3):
Image 3
The logo Lifian is a form of the Mantin town which
is old and full of heritage. The title and the town’s speciality has
connection. This is through the meaning and the use of the word Lifian. As the
word means life and living, Mantin is a place where perfection are still
preserved but not well known. The semi black background is to show the root of
life in the small town of Mantin.
from the audience are very important and it helps us to define and make
correction on places where needed. For the project of Dusoon, it is about
introducing audience to the process and importance of every process including
focus on the nutritional fact from jackfruit and Durian.
questions are to measure how much does the audiences know about this two type
of fruits. As the result after the analysis, then a proper way will be planned
to fill the audiences according what they are not clear of the fruits in Mantin.
This survey are targeted to both local and international students and staffs of
is Durian (Image 1).
Mantin is famous for Durian and Jackfruit.
Durian and Jackfruit are sold in Mantin.
Jackfruit are rich in Vitamin C.
Jackfruit a great source of Magnesium.
There are no orchards in Mantin.
Durian and Jackfruit are not grown in Mantin.
Jackfruit is called ‘king of fruits’ in Malaysia.
Durian and Jackfruit are valued according to the
Durians are depend on climate and season.
Durian are covered with a plastic sack while growing.
Jackfruit and Durian smells good.
Jackfruit are in white colour.
Jackfruit seeds are edible.
Jackfruit orchards more than durian orchards in Mantin.
Musang King and D-24 are from the durian
According to the survey, there are some Lagendarians
are with least knowledge in nutritional fact in jackfruit and further details
of the Jackfruit and Durian. This exhibition is a perfect place for the
audience to get information about these fruits.
Mantin by focusing various system of living is one way of pulling the sights
from different layer of people and culture to be merged and accepted as
harmony. This exhibition will sure attract the targeted audiences and reach the
goals in promoting Mantin.
exhibition of Lifian is an event to show the lifestyle and livings in Mantin
according to the systems. This is an opportunity of understanding the depth of Mantin’s
resource in so many layers.
This project is an effective project that led me to
work on more in analysing and observing the hidden systems of Mantin. Besides,
experiencing the marketing is an essential scope that might be very useful in future
while working for other big companies.
Explorable: Surveys and
questionnaires - guide. [Online] Available on: https://explorable.com/surveys-and-questionnaires [Accessed
on 27 October 2015]
Lynda, K .(2009).
Australian museum: exhibition
evaluation explained. [Online] Available on: http://australianmuseum.net.au/exhibition-evaluation [Accessed
on: 22 October 2015]
(2014) Hawkward. J. Treefrog: what is a logo. [Online] Available
on: https://www.treefrog.ca/what-is-a-logo [Accessed on: 6th
September 2015]
(2015) Novagraaf: What
is a trademark: protecting your brand,
product, company name and logo. [Online] Available on: http://www.novagraaf.com/en/services/trademarks-are-an-important-part-of-our-daily-lives/what-is-a-trademark [Accessed
on: 6th September 2015]
(2015). Drive web
engineering: 5 principles of logo
design. [Online] Available on: http://drivedigital.ca/blog/5-principles-logo-design/ [Accessed
on: 15 September 2015].
A. (2014) Linkedin: 5
principles of effective logo design. [Online] Available on: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/5-principles-effective-logo-design-asif-khan [Accessed
on: 18 August 2015]
(2013) Business
dictionary: trademark. [Online]
Available on: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/trademark.html [Accessed
on: 1 September]
Susan C. (2013).
[Online] Quicksprout: the complete
guide to building your personal brand chapter 2. Available on: https://www.quicksprout.com/the-complete-guide-to-building-your-personal-brand-chapter- [Accessed
on 23 September 2015]
(2014). Fresh business
thinking.com: top tips for
exhibition and trade show stand management. [Online] Available on: http://www.freshbusinessthinking.com/business_advice.php/articles.php?AID=883&Title=10+Top+Tips+For+Exhibition+And+Trade+Show+Stand+Management+#.Vi87rbcrLIU
[Accessed on: 7th October 2015]
(2015) Wisegeek: what is an advertising campaign? [Online]
Available on: http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-an-advertising-campaign.htm [Accessed
on 18 August 2015]
Tooley, J. (2015)
Quality logo products: the elements
of a good advertising campaign. [Online] Available on: http://www.qualitylogoproducts.com/lib/elements-ofa-good-advertising-campaign.htm#ixzz3jQOHs3JR [Accessed
on 18 August 2015]
Lisa, J. (2015) Create
hype: the key elements of a
successful advertising campaign. [Online] Available on: http://createhype.com/key-elements-successful-advertising-campaign/ [Accessed
on 18 August 2015]
Monday, October 26, 2015
Principles of Marketing
The Questionnaire
survey research, a questionnaire is an instrument that is comprised of a set of
questions to be asked to the participants of the survey. Sir Francis Galton, an
English polymath, introduced the use of the questionnaire in surveys.
Questionnaires usually ask questions that elicit ideas and behaviours,
preferences, traits, attitudes and facts.
can be administered in a variety of modes, such as face-to-face, telephone,
paper-and-pencil, and computerized. The computerized questionnaire
administration mode is used in an online survey. An online
survey, or web-based survey, is a widely used survey method which requires
participants to answer the questionnaire posted on the Internet. When preparing a
web based survey, you should be aware about some of the tools for online questionnaires.
from the audience are very important and it helps us to define and make
correction on places where needed. For the project of Dusoon, it is about
introducing audience to the process and importance of every process including
focus on the nutritional fact from jackfruit and Durian.
the questions are to measure how much does the audiences know about this two
type of fruits. As the result after the analysis, then a proper way will be
planned to fill the audiences according what they are not clear of the fruits
in Mantin. This survey are targeted to both local and international students
and staffs of Lagenda.
![]() |
image 1 |
This is Durian (Image 1).
( )
True ( ) False
Mantin is famous for Durian and Jackfruit.
( ) True ( ) False
Durian and Jackfruit are sold in Mantin.
( ) True ( ) False
Jackfruit are rich in Vitamin C.
( ) True ( ) False
Jackfruit a great source of Magnesium.
( ) True ( ) False
There are no orchards in Mantin.
( ) True ( )
Durian and Jackfruit are not grown in Mantin.
( ) True ( ) False
Jackfruit is called ‘king of fruits’ in
( ) True ( ) False
Durian and Jackfruit are valued according to the
( ) True ( ) False
Durians are depend on climate and season.
( ) True ( ) False
Durian are covered with a plastic sack while
( ) True ( ) False
Jackfruit and Durian smells good.
( ) True ( ) False
Jackfruit are in white colour.
( ) True ( ) False
Jackfruit seeds are edible.
( ) True ( ) False
Jackfruit orchards more than durian orchards in Mantin.
( ) True ( ) False
Musang King and D-24
are from the durian family.
( )
True ( ) False
is Durian (Image 1).
Mantin is famous for Durian and Jackfruit.
Durian and Jackfruit are sold in Mantin.
Jackfruit are rich in Vitamin C.
Jackfruit a great source of Magnesium.
There are no orchards in Mantin.
Durian and Jackfruit are not grown in Mantin.
Jackfruit is called ‘king of fruits’ in Malaysia.
Durian and Jackfruit are valued according to the
Durians are depend on climate and season.
Durian are covered with a plastic sack while growing.
Jackfruit and Durian smells good.
Jackfruit are in white colour.
Jackfruit seeds are edible.
Jackfruit orchards more than durian orchards in Mantin.
Musang King and D-24 are from the durian
According to the survey, there are some Lagendarians
are with least knowledge in nutritional fact in jackfruit and further details
of the Jackfruit and Durian. This exhibition is a perfect place for the
audience to get information about these fruits.
(2014). Explorable: Surveys and questionnaires - guide. [Online] Available on: https://explorable.com/surveys-and-questionnaires [Accessed on 27 October 2015]
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