Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Museum Gallery and Heritage Studies

Curatorial Issue - Gallery Visitation

Continuing to next gallery that we visited is the Interpr8 Art Gallery. This is a gallery which of all the exhibited artwork is painting and specifically exhibits only paintings that is about culture and lifestyle in previous land of Malaysia. All the paintings are painted on canvas and all of them is according different way of people running their life daily.

these are the evidence of a visit to Interpr8 Art Gallery :

This 3 paintings of traditional home and the people who lives there. It shows that the purity of  a person loves heritages of some culture in Malaysia.

Some of the painting in this gallery is about Baba Nyonya which was an ethnic influenced by the mix of different culture with traditional culture Malays in Malaysia.

Review :
As in this gallery, it's a space to show or exhibit very significant art about culture. This art space is well organised especially on the lighting that had set up so that the painting can be shown very deeply clear. Every single art was segregated and placed properly on the wall.

*all the images are taken by personal mobile phone (citation no needed)  

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