Saturday, April 11, 2015

Communication Practice


On this task, my previous post was not completed. Now I have been doing my main part of the infographic which is refering my topic 'Reincarnation of Lord Shiva And Shakti' ...
As in the previous post, my infographic form was not the full finished. It was just designed focused on how it will look like. Then now, these the are progresses which will show the completion of my Infographic.

Where are the main content of the Infographic should be according to my idea. (refer red circular below). All those empty oval shaped polygon will be replaced with specific God and Goddess.

First, i started drawing them and by using my marking tools. i darkened the drawn work's outline so that it can be easily traced i the Adobe Illustrator  or Adobe Photoshop.

After drawing all the God and Goddess, I used the drawn artwork to trace the other imaginary. Then, when all is done, I started the Inking process. By using 0.6mm nip marker, i draw outlines to my lines so that they can easily appear in the Adobe software as i said earlier.

After going through this steps, scanning or snapping images of this art will be engaged in this task and further elaboration to specifically highlight all the small accessories and jewelleries  .....
This task is not fully completed. For now, this is what i have done. Lastly, what i see here is, majority of the skills which i have learnt in 2D Character Design and 2D Animation from previous semester are really very useful now for me.

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