Thursday, April 9, 2015

Communication Practice

Task A 

Communication in a different manner and how to communicate efectively. (Infographic)

Communications seems to be much important of an  art than a science. So, for this task here, art based communications are required to be displayed. Infographic is one of the many communication form used in design terms.

Task :
We are were asked to select a topic that to be shared in Infographic form as simple and clear to be understood.
For this task, I have selected Deities of Hindu which is the very basic Reincarnation of Lord Shiva and Shakti.

Lord Shiva and Shakti is a superior power of Hindu Deities, They both reincarnate in many form of other God and Goddess. The main 4 form after reincarnations are to be showed in this Infographic and some of Their weapons to be revealed together.

First of all, I spent time online searching information on Lord Shiva and Shakti. These two superiors reincarnate into many other Lord in the deities generation. After having clear identification of Them, i started drawing simple look of Lord Shiva and Shakti. Lord Shiva reincarnated into Lord Nataraja which is the Lord of Dancing. Then in another generation, he became Lord Krishna which is a charming personalised God among the Hindu Deities. Next is Lord Ramar, who is the most Loyal God and a sharp archerer. The fourth form is Lord Kaali which is half a form of Lord Shakti too.
Now for Lord Shakti is, Lord Mahalakshmi which is the God of richness, then, Lord Thurga which is the protector for the Ladies specifically. Third form is Lord Saraswathy which is the God of Musical.

Simple sketch of all the Gods together.

(to be uploaded soon)

Some images of the Deities for the identification progress of Their weapons and their main accessories on Them that might be used to visualise the differentiation.

Lord Shiva and Shakti standing together

Lord Krishna

Lord Ramar

Lord Nataraja

Lord Saraswathy 

Lord Mahalakshmi

Lord Durga

Lord Kaali

1) After searching all this identity of each God and Goddess, i started to sketch and scan it, then i moved it into illustrator for editing...

2) After making simple sketches, my next approach in illustrator was on the weapons of the God and Goddess..:

3) After finishing the weapons, i worked on arranging it according to the characteristic of the Deities..:

Re-arrangement were required due to the flat form of design and the color which is not a good contrast that regarding to Deities.

4) For now this is the latest progress after editing the infographic layout, the scanned drawings are yet to be placed in the column due to some editing work on it.

Work is to be displayed soon and description will be updated...

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