Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Communication Practice


After ilustrating the hand drawn images of God and Goddess of Hinduism, I attached them into the poster that I have prepared for the infographic task.

After applying the same method for all the hand drawn arts, and after some changes in the background colour, the current Artwork looks like this.

This artwork seems to have some failure in the way of it is organised. A repair is required.

Museum Gallery and Heritage Studies

Curatorial Issue - Gallery Visitation

The third gallery for our visit is the Segaris Art Gallery. 

This art gallery is a place where so many types of art is exhibited. There were, paintings, carving, and installation art. This art space had some works by institution students. This gallery doesn't have a specific concept but the most interesting is painting of people and their feeling.

These are some evidence of witnessing artworks in Segaris Gallery :

This artwork is a painting of feeling of a child that never want to be left over. This was painted on canvas and the medium used is wet on wet.

This is artwork of carved wood. This Artwork were made of different ways of carving. Carved using drills to make texture then carving knife and lastly, some varnish on top it to make it look bold.

This is a work which is made of lens and some mechanical parts of machinery.

This two images are crisis of money and happiness in life. It is to show feeling of human during in an helpless situation.


In Segaris Art Gallery, all the artwork were placed well and given perfect lighting so that the images can show up the details such as the depth of colours and to create shadow senses during observation. Space management were very good and the works are segregated according to the medium.

*all the images are taken by personal mobile phone (citation no needed)  

Museum Gallery and Heritage Studies

Curatorial Issue - Gallery Visitation

Continuing to next gallery that we visited is the Interpr8 Art Gallery. This is a gallery which of all the exhibited artwork is painting and specifically exhibits only paintings that is about culture and lifestyle in previous land of Malaysia. All the paintings are painted on canvas and all of them is according different way of people running their life daily.

these are the evidence of a visit to Interpr8 Art Gallery :

This 3 paintings of traditional home and the people who lives there. It shows that the purity of  a person loves heritages of some culture in Malaysia.

Some of the painting in this gallery is about Baba Nyonya which was an ethnic influenced by the mix of different culture with traditional culture Malays in Malaysia.

Review :
As in this gallery, it's a space to show or exhibit very significant art about culture. This art space is well organised especially on the lighting that had set up so that the painting can be shown very deeply clear. Every single art was segregated and placed properly on the wall.

*all the images are taken by personal mobile phone (citation no needed)  

Museum Gallery and Heritage Studies

Curatorial Issues

After a great discussion about curatorial issue, very good understanding on curatorial issues were acknowledged. Then a visit to few art gallery in Publika were planned and organised.
We planned 3 galleries to be visited. The reason why there were 3 galleries to be visited is to see and compare the differences of each galleries with another. The journey was just about 50 min.

This are the three galleries we visited for studies:

1. Chandan Art Gallery
2. Interpr8 Art Gallery
3. Segaris Art Gallery

This are the evidences that I have captured in Chandan Art Gallery as images.

This art is a oil paint on canvas. Detailed lines on canvas are also involved in this painting.

This artworks is about political crisis.

This art work shows the endangered life of human.

This art here is to show the Identity crisis. This painting is painted on flat surface which is not either canvas or any type of fabric. This painting were painted on different layers and then assembled to make a finished art and placed in a Photo Frame.

Review : This gallery is a place where sections are divided according to different crisis. It has Political, identity, relationship and feeling sections. Those sections in this gallery, are well prepared and organised with the exhibit of suitable painting and artwork for display.

*all the images are taken by personal mobile phone (citation no needed) 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Museum Gallery and Heritage Studies

Curatorial Issue

A curator is a person who is a part of any gallery. They are one who is responsible for all the works in art gallery. A huge contribution of hard work, time expenditure, energy, and dedication is one who we call a curator.

What is the role of a Curator in a Gallery?

A curator's duty is to organise well on space, lighting, distance, background, music (if needed) and most of the important element that the displayable art need.

Characteristic of a Curator.

Discipline - managing self and profession based ethics
Dedicated - manipulating environment or engagement of mind and thoughts according a subject
Flexible - accepting all type of curatorial situation
Communication - a person who can really speak with no fear and no irrelevant wise of information.

Being a curator is not just standing in a place and giving explanation on a specific work. The responsible is huge and depending on the count of works that they have to work on.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Communication Practice

Task B

Communications can lead to confusing interpretations and to emphasize the need for clarify when communicating.

For this task, we are expected to search 10 different quotes from different people off the web, book,and other available material and analyse all 10 of them. The problems are the main subject to be discussed for the aspect of communication.

A Quote  is something that is copied or re-said or highlighted by someone from an existing article, book or any type of text involvement.

Quote usually written by an author, philosopher, journalist, script writer or anyone in form of telling something new or something that might exist but long forgotten.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Communication Practice


As mentioned earlier, all this artworks are attached into Adobe Illustrator to be manipulated and transferred to my infographic task. For another part here, as for Lord Shivashakthi, I picked half face of Lord Shiva and another half of Lord Shakthi as how They usually show up. This, I have done it in Adobe Illustrator too. The other hand drawn art are also followed into the Illustrator.

Result and the progress in Illustrator of the hand drawn art work traced according to the lines and placed in the Infographic poster. During the manipulation, so many unwanted dots and lines appeared and those unwanteed parts are deleted to make the image and the content to be clean and bold.

Reflection of this task (progress) , so many things need to be valuated especially to the image so that it can perfectly fit to the final work as planned. Working tools in Illustrator seems to make an image or file to any form of art especially to Graphic form. *power of digital tools*

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Contemporary Design Issues

Campaign issues in Malaysia

Malaysians are not drastically changing their lifestyles despite the millions spent by the Government to woo them with health campaigns. Are Malaysians lackadaisical and to be solely blamed for the ineffectiveness of the various health drives initiated, and for taxpayers’ money pumped into these campaigns going to waste?

The Government and the people should not be too shocked with the recent disclosure that more than RM 500 million spent on health campaigns by the Health Ministry since the 1980's has not produced the desired lifestyle changes.

In a nutshell, what this means is that the message is either not reaching ordinary Malaysians or not having the needed impact to motivate them to transform their lives.  Before we put the blame squarely on the shoulders of the people, we need to examine side-by-side the millions going into health campaigns against the advertising and patronage extended to the multinational corporations which produce the very products that are targeted.
Health campaigns can only work if there is a concerted government effort and is not ‘sabotaged’ by other ministries proffering  support to the advertising, promotion, and cultivation of these products.
Other than all this factors, targets of every campaign are same but the motives are manipulated and there begin the ineffectiveness of it.

GO and NGO in Malaysia never compete in producing campaign but there been just simple and same methods and scopes being covered. In additional, the campaigns by health ministry are to the Smokers, public littering habits and so on. But NGO expect more and organising more on Obesity tackling.

Now,it is therefore not surprising that Malaysia occupies the top spot in Southeast Asia, sixth in Asia and 39th in the world for obesity, according to WHO statistics. We are also placed 7th in Asia and 44th in the world for overweight individuals.

There is an upward trend of obesity among Malaysian kids and adults. It is obviously clear that our health campaigns cannot match the aggressive, high-cost promotions by sugar-rich food and beverage companies, as well as by fast-food corporations. There is a fast-food culture created from small among our kids, which is compounded by unhealthy snacks and rich foods sold in school canteens.

"The government should act now, act concertedly and act with a single-minded purpose to bring out a change in the mindset of Malaysians, and get them to adopt healthy lifestyles, be it smoking, alcohol or dietary habits.  All government agencies must work for the interest of the people instead of turning a blind eye, keeping silent or throwing their support to these offending companies lest their corporate sponsorships comes to a halt. Let us all remember that “health is wealth”.

The Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) calls for the federal government ministries to exhibit a united front and undertake serious campaigns, which are matched and supported by strict regulations and control. Otherwise, the campaign actions will not bear fruit and it would be just money down the drain since the Health Ministry’s measures are circumvented by most, if not all, other ministries.

People must know that there is a real danger lurking, and they must be convinced to change their habits and lifestyle, by a well-intentioned government. There must be strong preventive policies and legislations, not half-hearted ones that are doomed to fail and will clearly fall on deaf ears."

(said by a secreted person by a letter to the editor of Consumer association of Penang)


Consumer association of penang.[Online] Health campaigns must be concerted and supported by every government body. [Accessed on 30 March 2015]

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

3D Modelling For Object and Environment

Building An Environment 
(Progress for week 4+5)

After going through on creating an environment, I was not satisfied with my architecture state so I made a new architecture for my Environment Building in Maya. This, i have made a house by creating some space at the side as the garden, doors, windows and some additional objects for the environment. Now it is time for to play with colors too. Adding colors is by 'right clicking' after selecting an object, then go to the ' Assign new material '. Coloring process seems to be very interesting in Maya and in addition, assigning texture for the object are also available. I have not tried in texturing object (bump map). This time, with my basic knowledge in Maya, i have done a which is not in a greater quality but it is work as for a beginner of Maya.

First of all, on the grid, i started on making a simple round headed tree on the grid, again with the use of polygon tool, i started making cubes for the house and adding one by one for the other structures.

Other than just making an environment, some keyboard shortcuts are introduced as well. For duplicating the trees, I learnt that it's a "control + 'D' ". After that i used the moving tool to place those trees at the corner of the environment as I wanted. Now starting for the house with a cube polygon. Then scaling tool were helpful for me to scale the house to big or small size. 

After positioning my house securely, once more the polygon tool to make the roof top and the porch part for my house. To make additional phase on the house, I increased the subdivisions on the polygons. This helped me to explore doing work in Maya in a better way such as a professional user.

After going through these process, I have learnt to make objects in Maya better than before. Now, I can at least make my own simple environment in Maya. Need to explore more in Maya. Hopefully after this i can learn more on bump map...

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

3D Modelling For Object and Environment

Building An Environment (Process)

Week 3

After finishing the Sketch work in Illustrator, the file were saved as a JPEG file and the image was adopted to the Maya ; grid (workspace).
Then, polygon tools are the first tools to be used to fit the structure by using the image on the grid as guideline. By Right Clicking on the mouse, few tools in viewing object appeared....and I chose vertex tool to drag the vertex points to fit in shape as the my model designed.

My Illustrator designed model image was attached on the grid as shown below;

Then, with polygon tools, cuboid shapes were modeled then the vertex points were dragged as mentioned earlier...see below;

By using moving tool and scaling tool, i scaled and re-positioned the initial model.

For now, in this stage I have learnt some important tools such as moving tool, scale tool, rotate tool, resizing tool and etc... By knowing this tools and the functions of it, it is much  easier for a learner as myself. For more advanced and perfect design, i have to explore about the software ( Maya ) more.

3D Modelling For Object and Environment

Building An Environment (Progress)

Week 2+3

For modelling a 3D, we started to sketch out some architecture as simple as possible to be pasted in the Illustrator. For my convenient, I sketched out a simple shape in Illustrator as my model to be structured. Then, the file are adopted to Maya and the process of making my first 3D model has started. The reason of this sketches to be sketched is to make be pasted on the grid of the Maya Workspace. This method is to ensure that the model that we make is exactly like how we designed.

This are the first shape that i've started to make in Illustrator and I added some simple shapes more at the edge.

This is how my model will look like from the top angle. I had created a simple shape as this is goin to be my first experience in Maya. In that case, i would like to go on with something that is simple the move on to something greater in future.

3D Modelling For Object and Environment

Introduction to Maya

     Maya is a powerful 3D modelling, animation, effects, and rendering solution that has been used in everything from product design to feature films. It can be used to produce any sort of image imaginable, from an impressionistic painting to highly realistic animation and special effects. This software introduces to a general features such as modelling, rendering, and animation in greater depth. Knowledge of the Maya interface is the foundation of everything done in Maya, from creating models to texturing, animating, and final rendering. Maya is a software which full of flexibility, and this customize it in myriad ways.

There are so many tools and features of work for 3D modelling in Maya.
Some of the basic tools that need to be learnt are listed below with some prescription about it…;
·         QWERTY TOOLS are for manipulating objects and named after their keyboard shortcuts: (Q) Select; (W) Move; (E) Rotate; (R) Scale; (T) Show Manipulators; and (Y) Repeat Last Tool.
·         MENU SETS is a switch between sets of menus for the tasks of animation, modelling, dynamics, rendering, fur, live, and cloth.
·         MAIN MENU bar Contains standard menus (File, Edit, Modify, Create, Display, Window) followed by menu items that are displayed or hidden depending on the selected menu set.
·         VIEWPORTS Primarily is for see 3D scenes through camera or orthographic views. Viewports can also contain data about the scene, such as with the Hypergraph or the Multi-lister.
·         LAYOUTS Instantly changes the configuration of the viewports to a number of preset layouts.
·         SHELF A place to set own custom tools and scripts to speed up work flow.
·         STATUS LINE Contains icons used for a number of important tasks, such as file operations, object and component selection, snapping, and rendering. Each logical group of icons is separated by a vertical bar.
·         TIME SLIDER is to move left and right to scrub through the scene.
·         RANGE SLIDER .Limits the range of the Time Slider. This is handy for long scenes, when we need to focus on a smaller segment of time.
·         HELP LINE. Is a short description of the tools and how to use them.
·         COMMAND LINE. A place to type text-based commands to Maya, such as a MEL script. Custom MEL scripts can help automate any number of tasks.
·         PLAYBACK CONTROLS. Let us to play, stop, rewind, and step through your animation.
·         CHANNEL BOX Contains data about the selected objects, such as position, rotation, and scale.

The Attribute Editor
The Attribute Editor is an important window in Maya and takes the concept of the Channel box a step further. Every object in Maya is defined by a collection of attributes, such as its position, color, shading, shape, and so on. The Attribute Editor is the interface where it is used to control and modify these attributes in detail. The Attribute Editor has a series of tabs representing the nodes connected to the main object. Each node affects the object in a specific way, from altering the shape of the object to determining its shading. Clicking this button, which is on the far right of the Status line, places the Attribute Editor on the far right of the screen. We can also open the Attribute Editor by choosing Window → Attribute Editor from the menu bar. Pressing Ctrl+A also displays the Attribute Editor for the selected object.


Viewports are where most of the work in Maya happens. Viewports can hold views of the scene as well as other types of windows that display information about our scene. The two types of views within Maya are perspective and orthographic. Selecting and changing views using the Panels drop-down at the top of every viewport.
Orthographic views, such as top, front, and side views, only allow dolly and pan. Perspective views let the camera rotate in 3D space as well.


When we are creating models, we might want to view just the wireframe, but others might want to view the fully shaded and textured objects. The more realistic the shading, however, the slower the interaction; so complex scenes can bog down the system. One handy option is shading only the selected items. Not only does this speed interaction in complex scenes, it helps the selected items stand out.


For navigating within a view, holding down the Alt or Option key while clicking a mouse button. Additionally, pressing F frames the current selection, and pressing A frames everything in the current scene.

Maya supports a variety of object types, including surfaces, curves, joints, and handles, among others. To select individual objects or multiple objects, set the selection mode to Object and select with the mouse. We can also select objects in the Hypergraph or Outliner. By using the selection masks on the Status line, this can object selection. By toggling the selection masks, we can select only the types of objects we want.

Transforming Objects

Transformations change an object’s translation, rotation, and scale. These changes are stored in the object’s transform node. We access the Transformation tools using the hot keys: W (Move); E (Rotate); R (Scale). We can also select these tools from the Tool Box on the left side of the interface. Each transformation tool has its own manipulator, and each manipulator is color coded. Red is the X axis, green is Y, and blue is Z. Left-clicking and dragging in the center of the manipulator moves the object on all available axes; clicking and dragging an individual manipulator transforms the object only on the selected axis.

·         The Move Tool-Move tool options (choose Modify → Transformation Tools → Move Tool) select the coordinate system for the Move tool.

·         The Rotate Tool-Rotate tool options (choose Modify → Transformation Tools → Rotate Tool) select the coordinate system for the Rotate tool.

·         Pivots-The pivot is the center of each object’s coordinate system. This is particularly important when using the Rotate tool, because the object rotates around the pivot.

Connecting Objects

In Maya, every object is a collection of interconnected nodes. These nodes modify such items as the object’s shape, shading, and construction history. To control the attributes of these connections, we can use the Attribute Editor, but the Hypergraph and the Connection Editor gives us a control over the connections and dependencies themselves.

What is Hypergraph?

The Hypergraph shows the contents of a scene as a network of boxes connected via lines. In this way, it functions much like a graphical version of the Out- liner. The Hypergraph goes much deeper, however. Not only does it show the hierarchical connections between objects, but it also shows the way nodes and their attributes are connected.

Last but not the least of tools and features in Maya these two are what need to be gone through for basic knowledge in Maya.

Managing Files

Projects in Maya can encompass many types of files: 3D geometry, texture maps, rendered images. Organizing these files can be a challenge, but Maya provides a standard folder structure for projects that keeps everything in the proper place. Maya is not limited to this structure, however, and you can create and store your assets in any manner you want. Pro- ductions that involve multiple artists can store all the files on a central server, for example. Assets that are used in multiple projects can be stored in their own folder structure.

Maya Folders

Each user on the system gets a Maya folder in their home folder. This allows each user to maintain their own preferences, such as custom layouts, as well as have a place for their own projects.


As a reporting for the basic knowledge for 3d Model Making Software which is called Maya, this seems to be interesting and has some complicated level of learning. After practicing and making use of it completely, the process and tools are very simple and easy to be accessed.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Communication Practice


For my infographic topic which is ' Reincarnation of Lord Shiva and Shakti '....previously i was working by drawing my God and Goddess images in the most simplest form that i could present them in my Infographic work.

After Inking process of all my drawings, i start snapping pictures of them so that i can attach them in Adobe Illustrator to trace them in the Infographic poster. These the are the drawing result in image form....:


Lord Kaali


Lord Mahalaksmi


Lord Saraswathi


Lord Shakthi


Lord Ramar


Lord Nataraja


Lord Shiva


Lord Thurga


Lord Krishna

Reflection :

From this task, I know a better way on how to simplify the complicated things by just taking the important part to be visualised. Other than that, even when the world goes following the latest and advanced technologies, the old method of informative and drawing skills are still essential.