Tuesday, September 29, 2015

3D Character and Environment Design for Animation


A character imaging process’s most important part is to illustrate the character details consistently. Thus, ruler lines dragged into the work space to align all the additional parts according to the line and proposition.

This is a tip learnt in the previous semester in making a 2D character. Moving on to next, image plan is essential to be placed in MAYA Autodesk before steeping into 3D modelling. Front, side, and back are the basic need of 2D imaging. Top view is the least, but not on certain project. In this case, these three (front, side, back) view is very important. So, I’ve imaged three plan view of my character Ah Soon.

Finally, each of the view were split individually. This will make the grid image on MAYA to be attached easier and side by side. These are the JPEG files of my Ah Soon character.

Ah Soon Character front view

Ah Soon Character side view
Other than all this skills, a reflection of this task is the practice of the tools and learning more about Ai. This benefits more and more on the imaging methods and self-skills in using all this applications. 

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