Thursday, September 10, 2015

Visit Art Expo expo observation images

Art Expo

A trip to Art Expo KL were organised by the school to allow the student to learn many thing and to generate more ideas from what and hoe they observe all the artwork in the expo.

These are the photos taken during the visit to the art expo (expo observation images 1-8):

expo observation images 1

expo observation images 2

expo observation images  3

expo observation images 4

expo observation images  5

expo observation images 6

expo observation images 7

expo observation images 9

reflection of this task:

From this trip to KL Art Expo, i have learnt on how to display the artwork in  a proper way neatly and by setting the environment to fit the art work as well. Other than, it helped me on determining the techniques and the medium that have been used to create all the artwork. It has been an opportunity for me to develop skills and use them into the module during working on to produce a quality and creative work.

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