Sunday, September 6, 2015

3D Character and Environment Design for Animation



For the referencing progress of a character, a suitable example for a farming role which is related to my topic is from a preschool pop-up book which is titled The Alphabet Farm.
The book of character reference:

photo 1 : book of the character referred 

photo 2 : selected character

photo 3 : selected character

The main character that is shown in this book is the Farmer Bear.

The colours and the background of this story book is based on single line drawing in 2D, and on colour wise, soft and attractive colours were given to maintain the mood of the audience (children in preschools).

The features used for the character are suitable for the audience to understand that the character is a farmer. This is because, when a character is created, the audience must be able to understand the character and the concept by witnessing the character form and the additional features or props. As an example, a rubber boot and hat with a rake clearly shows that it is a farmer.

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