Thursday, September 17, 2015

3D Character and Environment Design for Animation

Character development


The concept that might be attachable in my character from this character is the farmer hat and the costume. As in Mantin, a huge count of farms and orchards are belonged by the Bhuddist of Mantin and from other places too. So, a name for my Character is given which is ‘Ah Soon’.  After considering the concepts and look of the farmer, ideas are generated as planned and sketched to produce a suitable character of my own project.

These are the sketches of my character development:

photo 1 : sketch for character development

photo 2 : sketch for character development

photo 3 : sketch for character development

photo 4 : sketch for character development

photo 5 : sketch for character development

These are the my developing process to create a perfect character as how i wanted.

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