Saturday, April 2, 2016

Multimedia Design New Technologies


After identifying the topic of my advertising campaign, the concept that I would like to use is to use website page to advertise about this particular product and its brand. The reason of website as selection is to fit in the context (details of the product + the quality of it), other than that, website building involves multimedia technology which is basically the learning outcome of this module. 

As requirement, this advertising campaign are supposed to be ran and built in any multimedia application. In this semester, the introduction to Adobe Flash is an opportunity to apply it as the main multimedia tool to build the website.

Sketches of my project (beginning), and the concept visualisation in black and white.

Image (1) of ideation at the first stage.

Image (2)of  idea development and changes of subject.

image (3) of start up ideation and sketches of the concept of advertising.

This development of idea and concept were done in sketches and making notes of how it is suppose to be carried on. This helps for documentation and reference of idea in case if we are lost and confuse in what we are doing. In this module, the ideation is to advertise the water colour of a famous company. Initially, I selected Nikki water colour to be advertised, unfortunately, during exploring and searching details, it was not helpful for me to gain information/data about this brand. It made me to slow down my process of developing ideas for concept. 

By then, a consultation regarding the module with the Module leader held. After that, some changes as Brand happened. It changed from Nikki Water colour to Buncho Water colour.

Images (1-3) was taken in mobile phone.

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