Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Design and Business Strategy

Personal SWOT analysis.

Moving on to add on my previous SWOT infographic, the total layout were planned to be changed. First of all, the background which is in light aqua blue.
screen capture 1

screen capture 2

Next illustrating the details of the infographic and copied file of the previous SWOT infographic.

screen capture 3

screen capture 4

 Rearrangement of the images and labelled according to the analysis. Then, opportunities and threats were added in the infographic as the previous one were incomplete.

screen capture 5

screen capture 6

screen capture 7

Finally, the infographic were given the indication mark of SWOT.

This was the final layout in the Adobe Illustrator.

screen capture 9

This (below) is the Jpeg file of the infographic:

 Infographic of personal SWOT analysis.

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