Monday, May 23, 2016


Project Outcome

The exhibition were held in the SOMAD Vertical Studio B. It was held in SOMAD Vertical Studio B due to some reason of space confirmation by the management. Therefore, the exhibition was held successfully in SOMAD Vertical Studio B as planned to be. All the artworks from Design System and Services module were exhibited in this exhibition and for the SOMAD Sudents and lecturers to take part in it.   

Below is the Images of set up and the event 'Six to Fix':

Project art work display (1)

Project art work display (2)

Project art work display (3)

Invitation card in ticket form

Exhibition Concept and explanation Board

Poster of exhibition

At the end of this exhibition, it experienced us on how to work on an exhibition in a group of six. It reflects more on responsibilities and cooperation among all the members.

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