Sunday, May 1, 2016

Group Design Project


Invitation and Poster

After the discussion and approval of the logo, the invitation card and exhibition poster for the exhibition were discussed by referring some of the postcard and exhibition print out samples which was collected during the previous trips.

Below are the photos of the postcard and print outs that is referred:

Image of print out from art gallery (1)

Image of print out from art gallery (2)

Image of print out from art gallery (3)

Image of print out from art gallery (4)

Image of print out from art gallery (5)

Image of print out from art gallery (6)

Image of print out from art gallery (7)

Image of print out from art gallery (8)

Image of print out from art gallery (9)

Image of print out from art gallery (10)

After referring all this print out, the scopes and criteria that is highlighted in the group is the measurement, type of material, usage of colour and space and content as well.

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