Title of my App
Fridden is a word from Luxembourg that means about peace. The concept peace were selected for my app is to solve depression and tensed feel in people in their daily life.
Other than that my logo is a simplified form just using typeface(font) for the logo. After trying to make few type of logos digitally, the typeface logo was the best way to make my app stand among other app logos.The font that is used for this typeface is Harlow Solid Italic. Besides, other social media apps and logos showed in a very simplified way by considering the five logo principles. Moreover, the logo design progress were guided by the module leader by consultations and tips on how to make the logo more interesting.
Colour for the app logo is Blue. The reason of blue as the colour for the app logo is due to the friendly colour and my previous research (previous blog post) says that blue is very significant colour for social media, besides, blue is a colour that brings peacefullness and calm feel internally.
below is the process of my logo designing digitally:
screen shot 1 |
screen shot 2 |
screen shot 3 |
screen shot 4 |
screen shot 5 |
My Friddal App logo In Png File:
Friddal App Logo |
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