Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Principles of Marketing

Advertising campaign

An advertising campaign is a specific course of action designed to advertise a company, cause, or product that employs an intentional and carefully coordinated series of marketing tools. This is in order to reach the target audience. The end purpose of any ad campaign is to boost awareness of the subject matter and generate demand. The structure of the advertising campaign will often depend on the nature of the product or cause and the target audience that the campaign had planned to reach.
Importantly, an advertising campaign will come up with some specific goals that must be realized in a given period of time. In the event that the campaign does not reach the goals, the overall approach can be reworked slightly for the remainder of the campaign. Other than that, the information gained on the current campaign would be helpful to create a more effective follow-up advertising campaign strategy. Learning from the experience of past campaigns makes it possible to strengthen upcoming campaigns and move closer to achieving the goals set by the advertiser.

This is my inspirational advertisement campaign. 
video: Coca cola Beep advertisement.

The reason why I selected Coca cola ad is because the strategy that usually this company tries to market is in a different and new way. Other than that, coke has done so many survey and advertising campaign to promote the drink. This is an inspirational for me in how they show their existence in a unique way. This video is an advertisement that trying to be shown that Coca cola is not an ordinary product by the beep tone during scanned.


Mantin is a small town in the midway of Nilai and Seremban. It is also called Setul by certain people. This town initially got the name Mine Tin by the English people. Then some used to say Many Tin, this word then changed into Tin Man due to pronunciation problem of the Chinese. This had just going around by the people which use to say the name as they wished til one day it were called Mantin.

This town is a town that the belongings are Muslims, Buddhist, Hindu, Cristian, Sikh and orang asli (few). This town is a growing town where construction work are going. Mantin is full of green and healthy plantation. Besides, an estate called Ladang Gombok are allocated here. This area is rich of fruit trees such durian, mangos teen, langsat and rambutan the most. The fruit shops and stall in Mantin are rich of fruit where they get in just in Mantin.

The orchards (dusun) in Mantin, are well cared by hiring a caretaker that does cleaning, pruning and other plantation work too. The better they prune, the nicer the fruits.
Therefore, for the promotion task of Mantin for this semester, orchard and the pruning system are my selected concept that I would like to show it in a game plan. Mantin orchards are mostly owned by the Chinese in Mantin. They truly have the passion in growing trees and fruit then making it into cash. This is an opportunity for me to explore and reveal this to the Lagendarians.

Documentation task in Mantin:


(2015) Wisegeek: what is an advertising campaign? [Online] Available on: [Accessed on 18 August 2015]

Tooley, J. (2015) Quality logo products: the elements of a good advertising campaign. [Online]  Available on: [Accessed on 18 August 2015]

Lisa, J. (2015) Create hype: the key elements of a successful advertising campaign. [Online] Available on: [Accessed on 18 August 2015]

Coca cola ad:

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