Thursday, August 20, 2015

Interactive Design for Web Technology

Web analysis

            A website is a platform where so many things are targeted to reach the audience. Besides, creativity in designing a web page is a part of a designer’s responsibilities to attract audiences well. The principles of multimedia design are white space, balance, visual weight and perspective, colours, movement, 2/3:1/3 rule, simplicity and consistency. In this case, analysing a webpage is essential according to the multimedia principles. Multimedia design principle is a guideline for designing a website and a tool to measure the effective of a website design.

Task (1)
            By using the multimedia design principles, a requirement of 4 websites to be analysed thoroughly for more understanding on ways to design the website layout. Each analysation need elaboration according to the critic/ analysation stated. Objective of this task is to introduce and to create massive understanding on how to analyse a website/webpage.

First website
Website          :
Screenshots of the website:

screen capture 1 and 2 comparison

This is a website of electronic devices from the brand called Mi. This website is to promote and introduce new devices by the company. Moving on to the design analysation, on this webpage, there are movement and flow/transition images of new products of its company (as shown on the picture above). The movement for this webpage is to introduce new devices especially mobile phones and power bank. Other than that, the transition avoids boredom by looking at the same images. Furthermore, this is for attraction too. This is due to the human psychology on moving things, where we are easily attracted to object and colours when it is transited or moved.

screen capture 3

Moving to the next point, white space on this page are balanced. The white space on the page is very clear for the composition and the images from this webpage have equal space.  This avoids the audience to be confused of what they really looking at. This webpage has equal white space too. This is due the accurate size of images and the distance of each object in the page. This provides eye relief because all the images and text are mixed up and not in narrow order.

screen capture 4

            At the bottom right of this webpage, it has a part left over and just an empty space. This causes the imbalance of the website’s composition. This is under the balance principles of marketing. This part should be filled with any images regarding the devices or any link to more devices. Due to this, the webpage doesn’t has a screen harmony.

Opinion/ Suggestion
            This webpage should be repaired so that it provides harmony to the audience. Few other important images/ text, link resized might be useful at the space on the right bottom of the page. It will create a balanced footer for the page and distinguish the visual imbalance.

Second website
Website          :
Screenshots of the website:


screen capture 5

screen capture  6

            This Nike website is a page of a brand, where its intention to introduce and promote new stuffs of its company. My analysis on this page is about the simplicity. The reason for simplicity on this webpage is because the cleanliness of the webpage which is not full of images. The screenshot above is the header of the webpage and the important materials are shown at the top. The reason of this is because, the latest design of the shoes are the first, big and highlighted image in the website. Other than that, not too much information in the webpage. Unlimited text or information would make the space full of distraction.

screen capture 7

            Moving to my next analysation, this webpage seems to have visual weight in it. This is because, the typo at the top right of the site has the illusion of physical weight so that it can be seen first and the rest after. So, the smaller fonts are important but least important than the bold and big text. The text ‘So fast, it has its own launch pad’ is the technic to describe about the product by not directly describing about it. This is a strategy to influence the audience to read the small typo (text).

Opinion/ Suggestion
          This website is designed in a proper way, this is because the minimal text and visual communications are more in this site. This will avoid the audience feel lazy and jump on to another site which is more interesting. White background to ensure the audience are able to differentiate the colour from the image visualised.

Third Website
Website          :
Screenshots of the website:


screen capture 9 and 10

This Marvel website is a site where all the entertainment programs under Marvel Entertainment Industry. The layout of the website is very clear and understandable because of the white space between the images in the site. Even though the pictures in the site is not similar in colour, the ability on focusing never create a disharmony. Moving onto another is the consistency of the site. Each page of this site are not composed by following the theme. Marvel’s theme is red and the suitable colour to match with it is blue, but the background colour on the featured movies site are fully white. This effect the concentration and would cause confusion to the audience. Confusion such as question in mind either they are looking at the same webpage or different for those who newly introducing to Marvel. The reason for this is, Marvel movies are usually watched by all group of ages. In that case, when children view this with the parental guidance, they will start think that why is the background are not same as the previous one.

screen capture 11

          On this website, the balance of composition are well planned. This shows that circle in the screenshot above, is an enlarged image to ensure that no remaining empty space that might bring imbalance to the site. The harmony of the site would be affected when the upper part has more space compared with the below part. 

screen capture 12

          Visual weight for this website composition is very good. According to the visual weight principle, the typo ‘ANT-MAN’ at the page were given in a perfect font size to ensure that not only the icon/ character are can be seen without any description. Moreover, the typo were given big and the other typo in small font. This is regarding the Marvel character shown in the site are connected to the typo.

Opinion/ Suggestion
            This website should have consideration on the consistency principle of multimedia design. This is to ensure that never bring confusion to the viewers and to make all the page in the site harmony in colour. In short, the website should go on the flow with the theme colour of the Marvel or should pick colour according Genre of the specific entertainment programs.

Fourth Website
Website          :
Screenshots of the website:


screen capture 13

For this composition of the Lenovo website is very good on the white space use. The negative space in this site very clearly shows the distance, the subject and the images of the products. This will cause a peaceful mind even though when it is looked over several times.

screen capture 14

Cons on this site is the imbalance of the visualised images. The product of four should be divided two in a row to create harmony in the display of product. Besides, this highlight the empty space of the site. Moreover, the page shows imbalance on the right side too. This is because the text link on the left side of the page. This causes more visual weight on left side of the page and only one part is focused more compared with right side.­­­

screen capture 15
Other than that for this webpage, the background colour selection are not a good idea. The reason for this is because, the colour selected contains high contrast. Viewers who sees the page more than 5-8 seconds might have headaches due to the colour. This would cause the viewers to dislike the page and straight away they jump into different website. This two colours are not a soothing colour to be visualised.

Opinion/ Suggestion
The typeface for this website is very dull, it should be highlight the devices according to a specific device with the minimal use of word and colour. Other than that, for excitement instead, the least use of the colour might be more helpful rather than filling a part fully with colours.

            Analysing a website is to evaluate matters and basic consideration before designing our own. This is to avoid designing a boring, bad or complicated page. A successful page are efficiently done according to the multimedia design principles. Design principles are tools that to drag the designer according to what is important in building a website and a guideline on how to evaluate a good or bad site. Analysing website is an experimentation process before beginning the composition process. Analysing a website are easier since understanding the multimedia design principles.

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