Sunday, January 25, 2015

2D Animation

Flip book

An animation in the early age started by the use of flip book and this method still exist for many purpose as it relates to animation.

A flip book is a book where images are drawn page by page, and each page of the flip book are drawn with the same image as i slowly change position, opacity, size,  etc according to page by page.
Finally when the book flipped, the animation are produced.

As an exercise, we were required to present 9 over 12 basic animation principles by using a flip for each.

These are my flip books for the animation principles:

At the end of this task, i learnt how to make a flip book and i learnt to work on the 12 basic principles which is essential for animation. This task was very interesting and fun.
So many skills are needed for producing a flip book. As this is my first flip book, i feel unsatisfied but i learnt the motive of a flip book and the principles. 

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