Creative Warm-up
Exercises in drawing and ideation.
For the first week in studio, we were required to make marks on paper using charcoal, pencil and other marking tool. Additionally, music are played during this activity. This is due to practice students to make their hands/wrist/shoulder to be much flexible. The reason why music is played is for the students to describe the music by making marks on the paper. Its more about drawing what we feel about the music and drawing what we see. besides, this is to test how environment effects our artwork.The best part of this task is, we are blind folded in certain time.
This art work is by Talib.
This art work is more on curvy lines and some shapes in between and mostly on the right side. He filled the space well at 80% of the paper. He seems to accept music as fun and movement.
This art work is by Budu
This art work describe that how hard he accepted and reflected to the audio. He seems to make more on his own imagination about the music. This artwork describes about the sharpness of the music.
Artwork by me. (Satish)
From this piece of artwork, i see that inconsistent lines and spaces that describes the music's tone and rhythm. The lines and space shows that mind controlled by the music and seems to an interesting type of song genre.
This art work is by Budu
This art work is by Alexis
This art work is by me (Satish).
For this task, we use colours instead of charcoal or pencils. For this task, musics are also played.
But here we must show how the music plays with our inner sense. Its is a chance to express the feel of music by colours. Most important elemnt that were shown is the flow of the music and the speed of it too. Type of lines and space express the most sense and feel of the music. And picking a perfect colour is important to describe a music.
Reflection :
From this wonderful task i learnt how to feel the music by expressing the music. Here we dont just listen to a song, we make the song to be more colourful and interesting. Besides, sense of feel helped me to pick colours according to the genre of the music. Its was a wonderful method to be more creative in listening and designing.
Now, i feel my hands are much flexible.
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