Saturday, March 29, 2014

Writing For Designer ( Group )

Task 6 (b)
date : 27/3/2014

Task by : Miss Tiffany Chew

Instruction :
Form a group of 2, pick 5 advertisement and interpret about it in designer term.

Group member :

  • Satish ( me )
  • Reynard

advertisement from paper

-black background to highlight gold color
-typography in gold (monotype corsiva)
-title is La Creameria

advertisement from paper

-title 'GAME ON' Adidas
-subject of this advertisement is soccer shoes
-soft color background to dark color
-logo of ADIDAS at the footer

advertisement from paper

-title of this advertisement is ACER
-header : ACER
-subject of advertisement is Lap top

advertisement from paper

-subject of advertisement: Samsung Galaxy Note 3
-background of this advertisementis a soft color as sky blue
-header : logo of SAMSUNG

advertisement from paper

-title of this advertisement is 4G FOR ALL
- typography in orange and unidentified font
-typography of this advertisement has outline
-has a logo of U Mobile at the footer

Reflection :
Design term words are not just to describe content of the advertisement, it helps on researching the content of the content that is used to advertise.

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