Sunday, March 23, 2014

Academic Skills

Blog Presentation
date : 19/3/14 , 21/3/14

Blog presentation of tasks by Miss Nadyra.

Presentation is what all the designers have to go through. Presenting something to the audience encourages someone to be more confident and it fixes the way how a designer need in presenting skills. information reaches to the listener better when the presentation is perfect. 

Critics on classmates :

Tomi          : - confident in presenting, afraid of grammar mistakes, voice tone goes up and down.

Rey            : - confident in presenting, speaks too fast at some places.

Emily         : - presented confidently even when she is not so good in English.

Samira      : - best presentation in the class. perfect tone, a professional, explained more points 

Aisyah       : - did her best she could, she has improved up to 50%

Lyndy        : - has presenting skills

Xu Hui      : - presented well but need to cope-up more 

Hui Xin      : - good pronunciation, less presentation skills

critics for me :

less confident in certain places, mumbling at few part, need to stand straight.

I have to truly confident and not mumbling in order to give a perfect presentation.

reflection :

I knew my weakness in presenting. Presenting something is not just to share information, it is also for sharing different working ethics.

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