Thursday, March 6, 2014

Academic Skills

1) Object/ Action Guessing (GAME)
date : 28/2/2014 

Instruction :
Each of us have to pick one paper from the box then try to explain about it without saying the name of it so that others can guess what is it.

Reflection :
We all learnt to think wide during guessing things/action.This help us to generate more ideas on designing and its a good way to be more creative.

2)Role Playing (GAME)
date : 28/2/2014 

Instruction :
A person have to pick a paper from the box which another person's name is written on it. Then according to the name in the paper,they have to play a role like them.

Roles : 

 1. Satish (me) : as Mr. Sukor

 2. Rey             : as Ms . Nadyra
 3. Lyndy         : as Xu Hui
 4. Aisyah        : as Satish (me)
 5. Samira        : as Tiffany
 6. Emily          : as Herself
 7. Hatmi         : as Hui Xing
 8. Hui Xing     : as Aisyah
 9. Xu Hui        : as Hatmi

This game was very fun and we all enjoyed playing roles as somebody else.

As a conclusion of this game, we all learnt that everyone has their own characteristic and as a designer its important to know different characteristics of people.

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