Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Final Degree Project

            For this project, the concept is “smart hydration’. Hydration in this campaign is through an advanced technology based device called          PRYME Vessyl. In this exhibition booth also, visitors will be able to test the product and witness the accuracy of this product in scaling and reading the beverage content that is consumed in a day. Other than that, product sales are also included. Visitors are able to purchase the product with special offers by visiting the booth. For the booth, I used the pryme color which is turquoise as the hydration theme. The logo of PRYME Vessyl were the significant one for the booth by placing it everywhere in the booth. Tables were designed as the products shape which is a cup shaped table with the same color as the cup, white. The floor was designed to have the wooden texture to look bold and matching the white and turquoise themed booth. The lights were modelled as the water particles dropping from sky to make a special effect on the big cup placed in front at the entrance of the booth.

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