Modular System
Explore and design modular units that are flexible for arrangement.
(FORM-DEFORM) : Shape/ Design
a) For this task, what i understand is to Form a Shape or design bu using a selected object with the units more than one.
My understanding in this task is to make something that is nice to see in the spec of shape and design. My selection in this task is a Styrofoam plate.
What can a styrofoam form into?????
This was the question i ask myself before starting this task.....
I decided to cut the inner platform of the plate in circular shape, then cut some spaces to interlock
other cut out of the Styrofoam plates. The reason why i use Styrofoam plate in this task is due to the flexibility of it and it is easy to carried from one place to another.
styrofoam plate fan
Since the shape of my Styrofoam design looks like a fan, and it works when the wind blows. Main point in this design is Form and Deform. My design could be assembled and disassembled as shown above. Besides, it could be flattened and deflattened.
b) In this Task, another required to Explore and design using the same material used in previous task (Task 3.a.). For this task (b), the function is the main element to be focused on the design that is produced.
Initially, my design by using styrofoam plate in this task is a Photo Frame, which never satisfied me at all. And it looks like this :
styrofoam photo frame
After few days I were up to solve my problem in my living room where i face problems in placing letters and reminders in a secured place. Later on, i decided to make a Pocket Hanger which made of Styrofoam Plates.
styrofoam plate paper pocket
During my progress in this task, i had some confusion in choosing a good material for my design.
According to Miss Tiffany's comment, i decided to keep going through in use of this Styrofoam Plate.
- sketches that i have done to explore on how to put the styrofoam parts into something that might look nice or might be useful for our daily life.
Exploring and experimentation is very important in making an object or a design. A design will not just be perfect when applied directly on the material. Sketches are essential here to explore and develop ideas even greater and better.
I have learnt so many things from this task. I have learnt that a designer should have alternative ways in solving or making this that helps around us.
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