Friday, July 25, 2014

Methods Of Investigation

Alternative to Research
  • Projects – Home Interior Design & Office Renovation more than 15 years
  • home interior design for bedroom design, kitchen design, interior design for living hall and dining hall, office interior design, retail shop interior design
  • bright background, description of the business as header, some of their work pictures

  • Jessica Helgerson interior design
  • Home interior, shops, restaurant interior design
  • Antique and latest design furniture.
  • vintage and modern style interior design
  • Sample pictures attached in webpage
  • Bright background, less typo, more on visual communication

  • Name of the firm at the top
  • provides skills developing services : courses relating to interior design.
  • Example work images at the right side of the webpage
  • Webpage full of e-advertisement at the side
  • Background from bright to darker  (when scrolled down)

  • Houzz interior Design Service
  • Vintage and modern interior design
  •  Facebook page is available to visit
  • Sample photos displayed in the webpage
  • Specialist in wall designing
  • Bright background and clear typo

  • Chew interior design (Singapore)
  • Interior design specialist in vintage style
  • Design mainly on wall glasses
  • Sample images of previous work.
  • Most design in black and white
  • Webpage with a dark background to highlight the photos and bright typo.

Reflection :
I see that each webpage has different ways in paging their description of their business. Bright background is the best way to highlight features in webpage. 

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