Monday, July 21, 2014

Methods of Investigation

Peer Review

Aisyah  : Visual Anthropology and Primary & Secondary Research

  • Visual Anthropology : 
-picturing data or analysis without any changes.
  • Primary & Secondary Research : 
-primary research is the initial or the research that are new or never done by others.
-secondary research is experimentation on other data and analysis which had done by somebody else.

Alexis  : Formative & Summative Research and Observational Research
  •  Formative & Summative Research :
- formative research is countable, summative is not countable.
  • Observational  Research :
- research through observing by not influencing behaviour subject or carrying  research without interacting with the subject.

Jeffry  : Demographic Research
  • Demographic Research

-research on gender, age,economical status on a specific area of experimentation to solve a problem

Hatmi  : Psychographic
  • Psychographic
-research specifically on characteristic of a person.

Kojo  : Ethnographic and Literature Review
  • Ethnographic 
-research based on some culture or living style by being a part of it to make analysis.
  • Literature Review
-a research about analysing someone's work.

Satish  : Research Methodologies & Qualitative and Quantitative
  • Research Methodologies 
-Research in methods of experimentation.

  • Qualitative and Quantitative
-Description on what are Qualitative and Quantitative data and how does the analysis in this methods are shown and recorded.

Qualitative and Quantitative                                      Research Methodologies

At the end of this Presentation, i found that Methods of Investigation is one the main point that need to be considered before carrying an experimentation or an investigation. Methods are important in every task to make sure that we are going on a correct track.

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