Monday, January 20, 2014

Task 1(Writing)

Writing for Designer: TASK 1

a) To pick 10 people and write a one-sentence description for each. This allows you as a student to free yourself from fear and perfectionism.

b) As a group, you will need to organize a space call ‘Wall of thoughts” for all student to contribute weekly thoughts - ideas to be shared on Tuesday 2pm sharp. explore on wall design, materials, how to put things interestingly / functional at the same time. 

Task 1 (a)
1)Samira :
  A person who loves travelling and would like to learn different  religion's  cultures.

2)Rey :
  Iterested in games especialy 3D games and this brought him up to animations.

3)Aisyah :
  Likes traditional Malay dishes especialy cookies and cakes and she learnt cooking from her mother.

4)Jack :
  Who like to keep himself busy by enjoying games and sports.

5)Amirah Shazlina :
  A person who realy loves illustration and likes free handed artistry.

6)Maria :
  Describes that graphics needs a lot of hardwork and interest as well.

7)Yan Zong Qi :
  A strange personality which loves illustration so much and realy good at it.

8)Frank :
  Says and believe that graphics helps us to think further and helps us to generate matured ideas.

9)Samantha :
   Strongly believe that a graphic designer need patiency and focus when working on something.

10)Parisha :
    Believe that graphics helps new generations to upgrade their lifestyle.

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