Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Subj  : Academic Skills
Lect  : Miss Nadyra Bashir

Task 1 : Assignment Brief (Learning Outcome)
            Write what u think about your learning outcome.

1) Knowledge 
    -able to access/use new equipments/ materials in a proper way
    -learn use of appliances/softwares
    -learn to use computers and some devices relating with profesion/studies

2) Thinking skills
    -maturity in developing ideas/broad minded
    -learn how to interpret relevant ideas relating to profesion/studies
    -able to generate new ideas/plans in a better way

3) Module-based practical skills
    -being more initiative and comited in doing work/assignment/presentation
    -reduce feel of nervousness and to be more confident 
    -learn and practice performing the best

4) Skills for life and work
    -improve language and speaking (example: suitable body languages according to a particular event)
    -being discipline,punctuality,co-orperative
    -learn to work in group in any situation
    -taking and accepting critics and comments in a positive way

At the end of this module, students will:
1. use IT systems, communicate electronically and use basic computer packages relevant to the field of study
2. access all forms of resources available in the LRC both in print and electronically relevant to the field of          study
3. understand the nature of collusion and plagiarism and be able to check assignments to ensure that all third        party content is properly referenced

Thinking skills:
4. evaluate information sources and make judgments about their likely worth 
5. interpret published data in their field of study
6. produce different types of written work appropriate to the module observing the conventions of academic     writing

Module-based practical skills:
7. demonstrate how to be an effective student in HE
8. record information from a variety of sources including lectures, seminars, texts and internet sources
9. plan for and engage in relevant forms of assessment

Skills for life and work:
10. read texts critically and be able to précis, paraphrase, reference and quote correctly 
11. Work effectively in groups

12. reflect on and record own learning and skills in a personal development plan

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