Friday, January 31, 2014

Subj    : Academic Skills
Lect    : Miss Nadyra Bashir

Task   : Reflective Practice
            Students are required to write an essay of their own understanding about individual creative
                  and plagiarism with supporting material.The essay should be 750 words.

      Creativeness plays an important role in the world of arts and design.creative practice is a  process through which an artist makes or interprets a work, or works, of art. It may also include a study of the process of how a work of art is generated. ( Practicing is an act to improve in a talent or an activity which we exploring. Plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own. I believe that creative practice is very important because of the benefits of it.Plagiarism should not being practiced by an artist or a designer but there are certain places where plagiarism is essential.In short,advantage of creative practice is helpful and plagiarism has both advantage and disadvantage as well.

      Creative practice  in any activity,task,work or inventory is really essential. Reason of this statement is due to the quality of something that is produced or invented. As a artist,practicing in each scope of arts helps in generating better ideas.Ideas are being generated from time to time depending experience of a person in their profession. As an example for creative practice of an artist is having a handy sketch book. Having sketch book is not enough practice,it should be filled with sketches which could be useful in future. Where creative in this as new ideas might help in publishing it in future. Creative practice is considered as correction in every mistakes. Like a saying which sounds 'learn from mistake' can be observed here in creative practice.

                                                                having a sketch book

       Skills is one of the main part in designing and illustration. Skills are not given as gift,it is being developed by a person from each experience. Learning better skills and development in skills is what found in creative practice. As an example,an artist who produces more than one type of artistry is a person who has different skills in each of his different outcome.So,the more skills we develop,the better way to come up with a good solution. Art is a research in many aspects and components,creative practice here is a life tool that making it easier.

       In addition,creative practicing helps to have more knowledge according to creativity and its practice.
Researching about something new in arts not just acknowledgement in arts,it gives knowledge about the world out of box. World out of box is what we see,illustrate or imagining something outrageous which might be true or not in the world. Ideas might be better and relevant especially in arts when knowledge in ourselves has no limit. As an example, people who travels more could come up with different ideas such as cultures of different country. Creative practice can be found in schools as well so that students are concern and alert of modern day educations.Creative practice can be observed every where in this world,this means that creative practice has much advantage compared with disadvantage. 

creativity practice

       Copying work from other people to produce something is known as plagiarism as well. Plagiarising notes does not benefits to some one who had done it. It is called as piracy. Working easily by taking other people's effort is worthless. This never helps the person to develop skills and knowledge. Plagiarising
a work is a zero outcome. Such a person will not be able to elaborate and interpret an idea easily. Learning outcomes are not achievable through plagiarism . For an example, a student who copied notes from online not researching the fact of a study .

plagiarism (copying)

        Even when plagiarism or duplicating is a fault,there are certain part of tasks where it plays a n important role. Previous researches like histories doesn't give an accurate results when it is re-researched . This shows that plagiarism is  essential here and it is accepted as collecting data and analysis from the past . Activities carried out in any institutes requires attachment of study, this is where plagiarism needed in the name of to prove works are done correctly . As an example , assignments in every institute required to attach files or images to support assignment .
sample of biblography that shows references  of plagiarism ( fact/ notes)

        In conclusion , creative practice is crucial and  should be practiced in order to be an expert in profession . 'Practice makes perfect' is the suitable saying here to understand the need of creative practice.
On the other side , plagiarism can be just a small part of any work . Plagiarism are not to be practiced , it is just an important in a least need in any profession.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Subj  : Academic Skills
Lect  : Miss Nadyra Bashir

Task 1 : Assignment Brief (Learning Outcome)
            Write what u think about your learning outcome.

1) Knowledge 
    -able to access/use new equipments/ materials in a proper way
    -learn use of appliances/softwares
    -learn to use computers and some devices relating with profesion/studies

2) Thinking skills
    -maturity in developing ideas/broad minded
    -learn how to interpret relevant ideas relating to profesion/studies
    -able to generate new ideas/plans in a better way

3) Module-based practical skills
    -being more initiative and comited in doing work/assignment/presentation
    -reduce feel of nervousness and to be more confident 
    -learn and practice performing the best

4) Skills for life and work
    -improve language and speaking (example: suitable body languages according to a particular event)
    -being discipline,punctuality,co-orperative
    -learn to work in group in any situation
    -taking and accepting critics and comments in a positive way

At the end of this module, students will:
1. use IT systems, communicate electronically and use basic computer packages relevant to the field of study
2. access all forms of resources available in the LRC both in print and electronically relevant to the field of          study
3. understand the nature of collusion and plagiarism and be able to check assignments to ensure that all third        party content is properly referenced

Thinking skills:
4. evaluate information sources and make judgments about their likely worth 
5. interpret published data in their field of study
6. produce different types of written work appropriate to the module observing the conventions of academic     writing

Module-based practical skills:
7. demonstrate how to be an effective student in HE
8. record information from a variety of sources including lectures, seminars, texts and internet sources
9. plan for and engage in relevant forms of assessment

Skills for life and work:
10. read texts critically and be able to prĂ©cis, paraphrase, reference and quote correctly 
11. Work effectively in groups

12. reflect on and record own learning and skills in a personal development plan

Monday, January 20, 2014

Task 1(Writing)

Writing for Designer: TASK 1

a) To pick 10 people and write a one-sentence description for each. This allows you as a student to free yourself from fear and perfectionism.

b) As a group, you will need to organize a space call ‘Wall of thoughts” for all student to contribute weekly thoughts - ideas to be shared on Tuesday 2pm sharp. explore on wall design, materials, how to put things interestingly / functional at the same time. 

Task 1 (a)
1)Samira :
  A person who loves travelling and would like to learn different  religion's  cultures.

2)Rey :
  Iterested in games especialy 3D games and this brought him up to animations.

3)Aisyah :
  Likes traditional Malay dishes especialy cookies and cakes and she learnt cooking from her mother.

4)Jack :
  Who like to keep himself busy by enjoying games and sports.

5)Amirah Shazlina :
  A person who realy loves illustration and likes free handed artistry.

6)Maria :
  Describes that graphics needs a lot of hardwork and interest as well.

7)Yan Zong Qi :
  A strange personality which loves illustration so much and realy good at it.

8)Frank :
  Says and believe that graphics helps us to think further and helps us to generate matured ideas.

9)Samantha :
   Strongly believe that a graphic designer need patiency and focus when working on something.

10)Parisha :
    Believe that graphics helps new generations to upgrade their lifestyle.