Understanding Exposure
Achieving the correct exposure is a lot
like collecting rain in a bucket. While the rate of rainfall is uncontrollable,
three factors remain under your control: the bucket's width, the duration you
leave it in the rain, and the quantity of rain you want to collect. You just
need to ensure you don't collect too little ("underexposed"), but
that you also don't collect too much ("overexposed"). The key is that
there are many different combinations of width, time and quantity that will
achieve this. For example, for the same quantity of water, you can get away
with less time in the rain if you pick a bucket that's really wide.
Alternatively, for the same duration left in the rain, a really narrow bucket
can be used as long as you plan on getting by with less water.
In photography, the exposure settings of
aperture, shutter speed and ISO speed are analogous to the width, time and
quantity discussed above. Furthermore, just as the rate of rainfall was beyond
your control above, so too is natural light for a photographer.
Exposure Triangle: Aperture, ISO &
Shutter Speed
Each setting controls exposure
Aperture :
controls the area over which light can enter your camera
Shutter speed : controls the duration of the exposure
ISO speed : controls the sensitivity of your camera's sensor to a given amount of light
Shutter speed : controls the duration of the exposure
ISO speed : controls the sensitivity of your camera's sensor to a given amount of light
One can therefore use many combinations
of the above three settings to achieve the same exposure. The key, however, is
knowing which trade-offs to make, since each setting also influences other
image properties. For example, aperture affects depth of field, shutter speed affects motion blur and ISO speed
affects image noise.
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