Saturday, September 24, 2016

Digital Photography and Imaging

Camera handling (1)

This task is about personal skills in handling camera. This will allow to measure or examine our skills in handling a DSLR Camera. For the first attempt of camera handling, individual activity, skills delivery by snapping pictures in various angle and position . The location for this task was in Mantin. Camera handling skills include setting or using camera in the manual mode to image the scenery selected. Settings such as aperture setting, shutter speed setting and ISO setting.

During the task so many pictures was taken as a practice of photography,  these are the selected pictures among hundreds of photos:

picture 1

picture 2

picture 3

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Final Degree Project


            After finding some references, moved on to the sketching process. Sketches are important to make it as a guideline and as a reference source for the modelling design that is going to be modelled. Sketches is not for that, it can be developed with more ideas. Moreover, ideas would generated more when sketches were done.

sketch 1

sketch 2

sketch 3

sketch 4

sketch 5

sketch 6

sketch 7

sketch 8

Friday, September 2, 2016

Digital Photography and Imaging

Understanding Exposure
Achieving the correct exposure is a lot like collecting rain in a bucket. While the rate of rainfall is uncontrollable, three factors remain under your control: the bucket's width, the duration you leave it in the rain, and the quantity of rain you want to collect. You just need to ensure you don't collect too little ("underexposed"), but that you also don't collect too much ("overexposed"). The key is that there are many different combinations of width, time and quantity that will achieve this. For example, for the same quantity of water, you can get away with less time in the rain if you pick a bucket that's really wide. Alternatively, for the same duration left in the rain, a really narrow bucket can be used as long as you plan on getting by with less water.
In photography, the exposure settings of aperture, shutter speed and ISO speed are analogous to the width, time and quantity discussed above. Furthermore, just as the rate of rainfall was beyond your control above, so too is natural light for a photographer.
Exposure Triangle: Aperture, ISO & Shutter Speed
Each setting controls exposure differently:
Aperture                      : controls the area over which light can enter your camera
Shutter speed              : controls the duration of the exposure
ISO speed                   : controls the sensitivity of your camera's sensor to a given amount of light
One can therefore use many combinations of the above three settings to achieve the same exposure. The key, however, is knowing which trade-offs to make, since each setting also influences other image properties. For example, aperture affects depth of field, shutter speed affects motion blur and ISO speed affects image noise.

Final Degree Project


The project is based on hydration concept. The main purpose of this exhibition booth is to encourage people to use advanced gadget to read label content. Regarding the motive, PRYME Vessyl was the chosen products to create this project. Drinking habits of people nowadays is not in a mannered way. Consumption of energy drink is involved in daily living, nut the label content is ignored to be referred before consumption. This will cause many type side effect and sickness after a certain period of time. To avoid this to be happened, PRYME Vessyl and the exhibition booth modelling technique is used to create awareness.

Before beginning, the sample exhibitions and modelling were referred and used as a reference for this project. The resource could be from anywhere such as journal, internet, ebooks, or any form of reference. This process is to analyse of the previous booths and ideas in making 3D Booths. This helps to generate more ideas based on what is about to be modelled later on. 

reference ideas:

Picture 1: References for exhibition booth design

Picture 2: References for exhibition booth design

Picture 3: References for exhibition booth design

Picture 4: References for exhibition booth design

Picture 5: References for exhibition booth design

Picture 6: References for exhibition booth design

Picture 7: References for exhibition booth design