Sunday, April 6, 2014

Writing For Designers

Communication Art

Instruction : Pick a magazine/book at the library and write about what you think and what you learn about it.

Title of the book : An Illustrated Life
Author : Danny Gregory( the main author)
Year    : 2008
Place    : Cincinati, Ohio, America

What i think about the book 'An Illustrated Life' :
Drawing inspiration from the private sketch book of artists, illustrators and designers.

The book is about :

  • sketches and a artwork of an artist
  • how they see and connect to social life
  • their point of view towards social
  • how social life encouraged in doing something new
  • what kind of problems that an designer has gone through

What i get from the book is :
  • how should an illustrator experiment/research on social life
  • how is the starting point of a designer through social facts
  • how to express our view by sketching and drawing (release tension)
  • sketches benefits in future more than time being

More than 150 authors included their stories of life in illustration in his book. 

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