Monday, February 10, 2014

 Task 2
Date       : 4/2/2014
Lect.       : Miss Tiffany Chew
Subj.      : Writing for Designer

Listen to a conversation in a public place and describe about it.

Last week i visited my relative who is sick in Penang . During my visit at the hospital , i overheard
a conversation between a doctor and a head nurse in the cafeteria .


Doctor   : Miss , patient in the ward B3 seems to be in critical stage . Mr. Khoo (patient) seems to be cadaverous .

Nurse     : Yes , he is lack of his health n smokes too much . I suspect that he might have sarcoma .

Doctor   : But he said that he had quit smoking . 

Nurse     : I would say that his description is abomination . When he is admitted , i heard that nurse Neetha found a packet of cigarette in his shirt pocket .

Doctor   : So, this might be the reason why he looks sallow .

New words heard during the conversation .

1. cadaverous
    = extremely thin and pale

2. sarcoma
    = one of the main form of cancer 

3. abomination 
    = completely unacceptable

4. sallow
   = skin especially on face pale or yellowish

Additional description :

Pronunciation of  a word is very important so that the word can be understood properly by the listener.
This is due to some words which has same spelling but different meaning or the opposite .  

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