Saturday, July 30, 2016

Drawing for Designers

Following the eyes and the nose, in week 3 and 4 there are other techniques in drawing such as continuous line drawing, seeing and drawing, blind spot drawing and etc. These are my drawings for continuous lines, seeing and drawing and shading technique.

drawing with lines to shade

seeing and drawing

continuous line drawing

Friday, July 29, 2016

Recreational Club


Program : Re-create-If
Date :Friday, 22nd July 2016
Venue :Teluk Kemang, Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan

Purpose of program
            Recreational Club is about taking part in programmes as public service and recreational activities. This beach cleaning a public service activity that was organised under SOMAD KUL, hence, design terms was included in the programme building and progress. Groups were formed to allow the students for socialisation and cleaning works. The trashes were collected and assembled as a sculpture. This is due to the field of education which is designing. Designers solves problems, thus, such a method was an inspiring and challenging method in brainstorming to produce the outcome. The event was an opportunity for the students to break their restriction of mind in creative and critical thinking. This is critically for creativeness in eco and art.

How do you describe the eco art?
In opinion, eco art in a finding solution or development on ecological factors focussed in creative or innovative terms. Besides, it is an experience and study for understanding the relationship between the environment and art. This shows that eco can an inspiration of design in being creative and innovative. More to be added, eco art is a sense of human in approaching and gaining awareness on conserving and preserving or preventing uncontrolled littering habit. Moreover, in design perspective, this allows artists to understand and make use of environmental waste or recyclable things to reflect on sensitive issues around the world.

Why is it important to reduce, reuse, recycle and refuse?
The concept of reduce is that we should limit the number of purchases that we make in the first place. So, for example, we might limit our household to a single computer. The concept of reuse is what we should reuse items as much as possible before replacing them. For example, it generally makes more environmental sense to update our computer rather than get rid of it and buy a new one. However, if we do replace our computer, we should ensure that it, or its components, are reused. Many charitable organizations welcome donations of second-hand computers.
            The recycle concept is that we should ensure that items or their components are put to some new purpose as much as possible. The most common example for recycle is the use of newspapers for wrapping things in market, restaurants, houses, and many other use. There are organization that approaches in such a way of making use of waste that is made in daily living.
            Sometimes another R is added to the basic ones, generally standing for either "rethink" or "recover." Rethink is sometimes added to the front of the hierarchy, meaning that we should consider our options and think about their impact on the environment. Recover, which is the other R, refers to the practice of putting waste products to use. For example, decomposing garbage produces methane gas (one of the greenhouse gases), which some landfill sites recover and burn for energy rather than letting it dissipate.
            Refuse is an approach of thinking about things that we really need at a time. This is about avoiding things to be wasted with no use of the existence it. For an example, thinking twice during buying things is very important. If something is not really necessary, it shouldn’t be taken or used. This might end in wasting things. 

            Conclusively, the importance of these four (4) R is to avoid the impacts to be greater in all aspects such as economic, social connectivity and environmental extinction. The governmental and non-governmental efforts are countless, hence, not a solution that can solve the littering problem. Human act are one main reason of failure in accomplishing those objective of environment.

Have you ever experience involves in this kind of activities before?

Programs like public service and recreation intentional programs are many experienced by myself. This was a new experience in doing both recreation and services. During the primary education level, programs like ‘gotong-royong’ are the main activities that carried. That was an opportunity to get involved in activities with friends and teachers in school. Moving on to the secondary education institute, same activities are organised in a bigger and specified scope and motive. At the moment, a club called ‘Maths and Science Club’ had a park in the compound of the school. The club organised a program for cleaning and tidying the environment by cleaning the pond, relocating the pots and plants, and repainting works.

Do you feel the project was success?
In my opinion, this program was held successfully. The motive and objective are clearly seen as it involves bonding and social awareness in eco art. The project was about collecting trash around the beach in group, then creatively making something that could reflect something about beach. Other than that, people around witnessed us doing such an activity and created a feel of embarrassment and awareness. In future, programmes like this should be organised in a huge count so that many people realise the importance of cleanliness and the preservation of environment.

What do you each find most interesting/satisfying about working as part of this program?
Interesting facts about this program is about working in group and people from different part of Malaysia (other students) and with dissimilarities in culture and religion. Other than that, enjoying barefoot situations along the sea side was an enjoyment as a recreational matter. For the finalised task in this programme, we were required to make anything that reflects sea or the trashes collected. A mermaid were sculptured by the trashes collected and it was named ‘Trash Maid’.
What would you do differently in future?
In future, such a programme should be done in a bigger scope such as beach trash competition and with collaboration of major GOs and NGOs. This would involve more publicity of the event or programme. Recreational spots such as A’ Famosa in Melacca, Pedas Water Park in Melacca, public areas and recreational spots that is being a main place of attraction. Additionally, public would react if major activities are held in major public places.

Eco is one important element in the world. The environment supplies many goods for the human and it is a responsibility for us to maintain the beauty of earth and environment. Such an enthusiasm must be fostered since early childhood. Environmental awareness are the main thing that should be highlighted in most of institutes and schools. Pantai Teluk Kemang is a place with heritage and economic contributor as in social view, so it was a correct place for the programme held. In future, a bigger organisation should be formed to preserve and conserve the nature.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Multimedia Design Advanced Technology


My exhibition booth that I have planned earlier had been upgraded with some special features by using the water colour bottles in the exhibition booth as tables and chairs. There are some other sections added as what has been referred in the exhibition booth in the first research stage.

These are the sketches and ideas of my latest exhibition:
 sketch of booth first concept
 sketch of booth first concept
 top angel sketch of booth

side upper angel sketch of booth

side sketch of booth

info sketch of booth

this is marker Rendering of my booth. (how will my final booth will look like)

Monday, July 25, 2016

Recreational Club


FRIDAY, 22 JULY- Recreational Club (MPU 3441) organised an event of Green Living. It was organised by the Recreational Club members in lead of Madam Rosyida Mohd Mazlan (Advisor of Recreational Club and Program Coordinator for KUL Degree, SOMAD). Participation of SOMAD KUL Degree students and 25 students of SOMAD KUL Diploma made the event as a successful event. Sea side/ beach area was decided to be chosen as the suitable place for the activity. Hence, Teluk Kemang, Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan is the location of the program held. The main reason of the programme organised is to develop skills in exploration, leadership, critical thinking, problem solving, and communication skills. Socially, this will allow the students to have better relationship and skills in group tasks.

These are some images from the program :

collecting all type of trashes

pulling buried trashes

working in group

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Recreational Club

Why Beach cleaning?
            Preserving Mother Nature is one most important habit for being a human that lives few decades on earth. Going green is a way of showing how the environment are well appreciated and preserved. Green living style is a must style of living in this era of globalisation. This is due to make way for the upcoming generations and to keep the environment clean and safe all the time. Plenty of campaigns and talks are given for this issues to be highlighted among the populations. Thus, NGOs and GO had contributed so much for it. The main objective of all this activities are to bring awareness of the importance of environment to be clean, safe and healthy. Besides of that, ways to improve greens being another matter that is highlighted.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Drawing for Designers

In this module, there are some methods of developing skills in drawing in many techniques. For the first task from week 1-2, these are the developments of drawings in the studio. Firstly we were required to draw the eye and nose . Below are my Drawings of the requirement.

Multimedia Design Advanced Technology

After referencing few types of exhibition booths, I have some ideas for my exhibition booth. This would not be my final idea for the exhibition, might have changes more and more to make it more creative and perfectly themed for the Buncho Water Colour.

This is my sketches for the first stage:

sketch 1

sketch  2

sketch 3

sketch 4

sketch 5

All this sketches are the final one for my modelling of the booth. These are development of idea.

Professional Ethics

Challenger Tragedy

For the Challenger Tragedy, we all were required to collect/search information about the chronology and the cause of the tragedy. As my part of research of information, I am supposed to search about the cause of the tragedy.

The Challenger ‘Space Shuttle’ disaster is still the most significant event in the history. Total crews of 7 are dead in explosion which is 73 seconds after the launch and it was broadcasted on television and badly affected the NASA and the publics of America.

Cause of tragedy:

On a cold morning of January 28th 1986, was usually cold and the engineer recorded and warned about the climate and some of the rubber o-ring’s failure. O-rings of the shuttle's solid rockets boosters were vulnerable to failure of low temperature but was ignore and at 11:39 a.m., the rocket was launched. Morton Thiokol, the company of the o-rings designed for the solid rocket booster had ignored about the issues. The manager were aware about these design problem but failed to take action on it.

Professional Ethics


Code of ethics are voluntary statements that commit organizations, industries, or professions to specific beliefs, values, and actions and/or that set out appropriate ethical behavior for employees.

There are four main type of ethical codes:-
(i) Organizational or corporate codes of ethics- these are specific to a single organization. Basically these codes seek to identify and encourage ethical behavior at the level of the individual organization.

(ii) Professional Codes of Ethics – Traditional professional groups such as doctors, lawyers and accountant have their own guidelines for their members. However this is increasingly common for other professions such as marketing or engineers to have their own conduct.

(iii) Industry Code of Ethics- particular industries also sometimes have their own codes of ethics. For example, in 2005 the electronic industry released its code of conduct to ensure the working environment is safe to work, workers are treated with respect and dignity and the manufacturing process are environmentally responsible. This code was developed by a number companies together including Dell, Hewlett, IBM.

(iv) Programmer or Group codes of ethics:-
 This are code of ethics established by certain programmers, or other sub-grouping of organization participating in specific programmers. For example the usage of a certain label or trademark.

Consequently, codes of ethics are usually written in general terms, nothing obligations to each group without stating which one of them take precedence in any given situation. In terms of the content, codes of ethics typically address a variety of issues, many of which appear to reflect industry factors and the prevailing concerns of the general public.

When an organization deals with the creation of ethical codes, most codes attempt to achieve one or both of the following:-
(i) Define the principles of standards that the organization, profession or industry believes in or wants to uphold.

(ii) Set out practical guidelines for employee, either generally or in specific situations (such as accepting gifts, treating customers, etc)


  • ·         The first is the utilitarian view of ethics, in which decisions are made solely on the basis or their outcome or consequences. 
  • ·         The utilitarian approach focuses on actions (behavior), not on the motives for such an action. 
  • ·         It is most consistent with Kohlbergs’s social contract stage. A manager guided by this approach considers the potential effects of alternative actions on all involved. 
  • ·         The chosen alternative is supposed to benefit the greatest number of people, although such benefit may come at the expense of a few or those with little power. 
  • ·         The manager accepts the fact that this alternative may help some individuals but hurt some others as long as the potentially positive results outweigh potentially negative ones, the manager considers the decision as ethical.
  • ·         The bottom line of utilitarianism is to provide the greatest good for the greatest number.
  • ·         Following the utilitarian view, a manager might conclude that laying off 20 percent of the work force in the plant is justified because it will increase the plants profitability, improve job security for the remaining 80 percent, and be in the best interest of the shareholders.
  • ·         The utilitarian approach prescribes ethical standards for manager in the areas of organizational objectives, efficiency and conflict of interest


  • In terms of ethical theory, rights can be define along with the following lines:-
  •  “ Natural rights are certain basic, important, unalienable entitlements that should be respected and protected in every single action. 
  •  This notion of rights goes back to the British philosopher  John Locke (1632-1714). He created the concept of the ‘natural rights’ that humans are entitled to and which should be respected and protected.
  • This has extended to include the right to freedom of speech, conscience, consent, privacy and the entitlement to fair legal rights whereby this rights has been enunciated by Immanuel Kant (1724 – 1804, a German philosopher) and is called the Kantian/Rights.
  • The significance of the notion of the rights of an ethical theory lies in the fact that these rights typically result in the duty of others to respect them. 
  •  Today basic human rights will include also right to life, liberty, justice, education, fair trial, fair wages etc. 
  • It should be noted that rights are connected with duties, since the right of one person can result in a corresponding duty for other person to respect, protect or facilitate these rights. For example, my right to privacy imposes a duty on others to refrain from gathering personal information about my personal life without my consent.
  • Kant’s theory is based on the moral principle that he calls the categorical imperative and that requires that everyone should be treated as a free person equal to everyone else. Everyone has a moral right to be treated in such treatment(i.e. equally) and everyone has the duty to treat others in such a way. 


Virtue Ethics is a departure from the traditional approaches discuss so far. 

  • Virtue Ethics can be defined  as follows:-
  • Virtue Ethics contends that morally correct actions are those undertaken by actors with virtuous characters. Therefore, the formation of a virtuous character is the first step towards morally correct behavior. 
  • This are set of acquired characters that enables a person to lead a good life.
  •  Central of the ethics of virtue is the notion of “good life”. 
  • For Aristotle, one of the original proponents of virtue ethics is happiness. 
  • For example: a happy businessperson would not only be one who finally makes the most money, but one who does so by at the same time savouring the pleasure of a virtuous manner of achieving their success. 
  • In a business context, ‘good life’ means far more than being a profitable company. 


Egoism can be defined as follows:-
  •      “…… an action is morally right if the decision maker freely decides in order to pursue either their (short term) desires or their (long term) interests. The justification of egoism lies in the underlying concept of a man: as man has only limited insight into the consequences of his actions, the only suitable strategy to achieve a good life is to pursue his own desires or interest.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Multimedia Design Advanced Technology

This semester for Multimedia Design Advanced Technology is on a requirement of a Exhibition Booth of a specific Brand or Product. Since, studies and research are made thoroughly in the previous semester about the Buncho Water Colour, the brand was maintained to be the subject matter for the booth modelling.The booth should be a 3 Dimensional booth. After using several references of booth from the internet, one booth should be selected to be explained why is selected to be presented and its interesting point of view in our opinion.

booth selected
This booth were selected to be presented due to the simplicity and the use of the subject matter which is the tyres. This is an important view of point for me because it has utilised it properly. Other than that, the use of yellow colour. The colour was one reason to attract the audiences. 

All the setup was perfectly placed as it is an conceptual 3D booth. But nevertheless, it is one good booth design. Next is another booth that which inspired me a lot in doing my Buncho Water Colour.

booth (final inspiration)

This booth has the shape of a simple triangle that has few layers and side pillars that is in spinally joins the top of the booth in the center.

Drawing for Designers

Drawing for Designers

Drawing for designers is a module to sharpen the skills among the designers in a better and proper ways and techniques that is being thought. For the first day of class, the activity was to use caligraphy ink to make as much as lines and marks to make our hands flexible for more drawing which might be complicated. These are the practices that I've done in the class.

Drawing for Designers

What is the important in drawing and the basics

Drawing is not just making marks on a sheet on paper, if in that case, drawing can be anything. There are some basic elements for the drawing to be considered and shown importance to get a good quality and skills in drawing. Below are the important basic elements of drawing.

Line is the most basic element of the drawing. And in it's most basic definition, it's what separates one area of the drawing plane from the other. A single line will segment your piece of paper into "that area" and "this area". The more lines that are added, the more complex and numerous the separations become: light from dark, foreground from background, positive space from negative space. Line can be uniform and all one width, or to be more interesting, and to convey more

information with a single line, a single line can be of varying widths.
Shape occurs when the first line is drawn. The most basic definition of shape is the white area on the paper. Shape is the information that is presented between two or more lines, or is the thing that is enclosed by line. Shape helps define the object that is depicted as much as the collection of lines that make up the object in the drawing. Incorrect use of shape will cause the drawing to "not look like what it's supposed to be."

Proportion and PerspectiveProportion is the size of one picture element in relation to the size of another. In other words Proportion is what dictates that, in humans, legs are longer than arms, the middle finger is longer than the pointer finger, and the nose is the same length as the width of the eye. If proportion is incorrect in a drawing it "doesn't look right".Perspective is the illusion that further away things appear smaller. To make something appear to be farther away from the viewer than the picture plane, draw it smaller than the object that is closer to the picture plane. I've put proportion and perspective together as one drawing element because they both use each other to work. If one is incorrect, chances are the other is also incorrect.

Light and Shadow create depth and atmosphere in a drawing. In order to make a drawing look "realistic" you need shadow because in the real world everything has a shadow. If you draw something with only one width line and don't render shadow, your drawing is going to look flat, two dimensional, and unrealistic. Adding shadow automatically adds a small bit of perspective to the drawing because the shadow indicates that something is in front of and/or behind the object that would cause it to cast a shadow. 

The whole drawing. Before you even start the drawing you will begin to automatically mentally place your picture elements on the paper. You take into account the whole drawing surface and relate your picture elements to the shape of your drawing surface. For example, if you're wanting to draw a whole human body from head to foot you would mentally place the head to one side (or top or bottom) of the drawing surface so that would give you enough room to be able to draw the whole body and not run off the paper. The shape of your drawing plane will help determine the composition of your drawing. You would not effectively be able to draw a towering skyscraper on a square piece of paper without cutting the top or bottom off. In the example on the right, seeing the whole drawing means when you start, you know where to place the eyes so the face will be in the center. Also, knowing that the tie will run off the page is being aware of the whole drawing.

Recreational Club

Committee Building and Responsibilities

As in Year 3 Sem 2, we all were given responsibilities for each so that we can learn skills and develop on how to run a committee. We were 7 of us in the small club, all the position and responsibilities given are:

1. Satish M. [me]  (Leader)
2. Mohamad Hatmi (Photographer)
3. Jeffry Jilan (food and beverage)
4. Siti Aisyah (Treasury)
5. Mohd Talib (logistic)
6. Sanira Jamali (Creative Designer)
7. Alexis Lyndy (Assistant Leader and Secretary)

All this club members are the one who are involved in planning recreational activities and other involvement in external and internal programs that is conducted by other bodies.

Recreational Club

What is Recreational?

Recreation is something that diverts a person's mind from one particular matter which may be a depressed or normal state of mind. Recreation is one important matter in human's life and for both psychology and mentality. It can be anything as how we prefer to have some relaxation.

As in this semester, a module called Recreational Club has been added to make students to be more relieved and relaxed. This subject has a requirement of organising any event for the recreational purpose. Additionally, it is to be in designer's terms with lots of creativity and innovations.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Multimedia Design Advanced Technology

Week 1

The module Multimedia Design Advanced Technology is a module that involves application of softwares which is used to present Multimedia Design. Straight to the point, this module for this semester requires a concept of exhibition booth using a multimedia software which is really suitable for it. The first task for this week is to search and analyse a minimum of 10 exhibition booths. This is for an inspiration purpose and reference for the booth that is need to designed in 6 weeks time. 

These are the research of booth as for the inspiration and reference for our booth.

booth 1

booth 2

booth 3

booth 4

booth 5

booth 6

booth 7

booth 8

booth 9

booth 10

booth 11

booth 12

All these booths are also conceptualised type of booths.Although concepts, it is all detailed and well planned to have sections and designs depending the concept or theme of the booth. The concept or theme of the booth are depend on the brand or subject matter that is used in it for the exhibition.

Multimedia Design Advanced Technology

Gantt chart is chart used for managing time. It is one of most effective method of managing time upon an activity or in our daily life. The Gantt chart need to have the activity and the duration for a specific program or progress. A Gantt chart could be graphical illustration or numerical for schedule that plans coordinate, and track specific task in a project. In this module of multimedia, time management is a key of completing and running progresses according to time. So, a time table or Gantt Chart is really important.

This is my Gantt Chart for Multimedia Design Advanced Technology:

This will be guideline to complete all my tasks in this module at the end of this semester.