Monday, February 29, 2016

Group Design Project

Learning outcome of Group Design Project.

Learning outcome is essential due to effectiveness of the module and the tasks that is carried out in this module. Hence, all the modules and it's task has a specific objective and certain learning outcome to be achieved.


1. Construct and implement a realistic timetable leading to a creative set of outcomes.
- manage and plan a accurate timetable to perform work according to the duration given.
- planing such as Gantt chart

2. Demonstrate the use of methodologies and project management skills within the design process. Subject based practical skills.
- exploring and perform works according the methodologies of design
-managing and performing alternatively if needed
- able to manage tasks

3. Work on screen and paper-based formats which have synergy and a visual coherence.
- preparing and proving work with supportive and visual works such as sketches and drafts
- documenting each task in a proper format

4. Work with external agencies and other interested bodies to creative outcomes
- communicate and reach bodies in-charge to perform work

5. Communicate successfully, strategies and critical abilities to peer group and others, including clients and project leaders.
- communicate and work with peers on project, critically work on subject given (divided work)
- peer learning/learner
- cooperative and positive interact among peers

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Design Systems and Services

Learning Outcome analysis


Critically asses and demonstrate skills needed in employment, inclusive of theory and practice of working in teams.
According to this, it is based on methods and experimentation of a topic thoroughly and critically analysing the needs of the selected task. This is to develop knowledge of analysing the topic with supportive statements. Other than that, this practically engages profession based exercise/ task in both individual and team work. This will allow skills development especially on searching and developing statements concentrated on the study is about.

Select, implement and evaluate appropriate interview and interview techniques.
This will allow the evaluation of topic which suits the work and techniques to be accessed in both verbal and non-verbal tasks. Other than that, it develops the thinking point for the topic and methods to be used in presenting works properly.

  • ·         Show evidence of experimental and/or innovative thinking in the resolution of a design problem or issue.

  • Demonstrate critical analysis in the evaluation of research evidence or material.

  • Thinking skills

    Describe and evaluate personal, professionally relevant skills against a chosen career path.

    This LOC is about presence of mind and elaborating appropriately on the study and making rational solutions.

    ·         Apply decision making and negotiation skills through intellectual and communicative engagement with others.

    Subject-based practical skills

    Reflect upon their own employment aspirations and align them to current employment opportunity.

    Reflect on the requirements of the job market; construct an application and critically review the application process.

    In this LOC, using skills which is crucially linked and using appropriate methods by developing in every stage and point. This will create opportunity of using new applications based on studies or fully powering the application which is previously known. Other than that, the maturity is one of the outcome that will allow and generate more ideas and planning rationally.

    ·         Use tacit and/or digital skills in an experimental and/or innovative application.

    Thursday, February 4, 2016

    Industrial Training

    Reflection of Industrial Training

    During this semester of industrial training, t-shirt printing and designing is the industrial place that I have selected. Values upon profession are adoptable during this industrial training period. This is very useful and measured according previous experience and achieved now for future industry.

                First of all, design skills of using Adobe Illustrator are improved in multi ways. Previously unknown tools were explored during design process while trying to make a design interactive and in a creative way. Skills and the practice of using this application are much easier and helpful for a designer that might get in such an industry of t-shirt printing.

                Moving on to next, is the marketing skills. Marketing is a method of reaching the clients by promoting things in many ways that is suitable according to some different fact by consideration. During the internship, marketing specifically in Kajang is not easy unless the strategic spot and method of doing marketing. Few methods of marketing were carried out during the internship is by distributing flyers and visiting other industry premises to collaborate in introducing each other in the market. What I understand is the way how we use to reach the clients and the customer. Although, it is just basic and lower base of marketing.

               Other than that, due dates are the most important matter of consideration in all aspects of procedure that is ran in the company. One reason the due dates are important is to sketch the process and the time limits of an order to be submitted. From this, what I learnt from this to finish up the progress according to requirement to avoid overdue.

                Lastly, teamwork are one of the most important during the internship. This is because, the design and printing industry has many process. Each person in the specific industrial premise plays an important role. One work might lack due to one employer been lacking and dragging the whole process.

                In conclusion, t-shirt design and printing is not as easy as it is seen in daily life. It depends on the materials, design, quantity, quality and budget. Designing for a t-shirt might take a lot of process depending the need of client and customer. Other than that, an industry of business runs in many scope of requirement for success such as marketing, customer bonding, social service and communication. All the values that I have learnt in this industry are to be attached in the future industry.